two ⋆ ★

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Alana's pov:

I got out of bed to my alarm, 6:30 like every other Monday morning, god I hated getting up for school. I growed as I rose, stretching my arms above my head. I pulled the blankets off of me and let the cold air of the room cover me. I moved slowly to where my uniform was hung, grabbing a shirt and skirt from the hangers and placing them on my bed. I went to my phone, ignoring any notifications as I went to Spotify and pressed shuffle on my playlist. Music, especially Taylor's, was the only thing getting me through the day. The lucky one  began playing as I changed, taking off my blue pajamas and replacing them with a white button up shirt and black pleated skirt which I rolled up. I twirled around my room, quietly singing along to Taylor as people in other rooms weren't up. I sat down at my desk which I had made into a vanity by putting a mirror onto it and putting my makeup and skincare in the drawers. I brushed my pin straight hair before tying it up in a half-up-half-up style. I reached for my black bow as there was a small knock at the door and a little girl walked through. Madison's unmistakable red hair and shining emerald eyes came through. "Good morning Maddy!" I say turning to her, reaching my arms out to give her a hug. She came running into my arms as I placed her onto my lap. "Morning Allieee!" She says, extending her 'e' as usual, she was so adorable. "Can you braid my hair pweaseee!" She begs with be puppy dog eyes that I couldn't never say no too. I let out a small giggle "Of course I will, let me go brush my teeth first though." I tell her to which she nods her little head enthusiastically. I pull her off my lap and place her on my bed before running out of my room into the corridor and down to the bathroom. There were a few other people in there also brushing their teeth but this was nothing out of the ordinary so I continued as usual. The bathroom in the morning was always lots of fun, girls and boys dancing around with toothbrushes in their mouths, acting as though everyone was excited to be up. Once I finished, I walked back to my room to find Madison stood on my bed, dancing to the music. I gave her a smile before grabbing her arms and pulling her towards me and tickling her. Her laughing screams made me smile before I picked her up and placed her down on the chair and braided her hair. Her once uncontrollable red hair was now neatly in two thick braids. She thanked me with her big eyes before running out to get her things together. After she left I sat down and began putting serums and moisture on my face before doing my makeup which included mascara, concealer and a bit of blush and highlighter. 

"James wants to know if you want a lift." Ethan's voice come me from behind, making me jump. "Fucking hell, a warning next time?! And yes please." I say to him, making him laugh at the first part. "He's going to be here in 10 make sure you're ready and not still doing your hair and makeup please." He says, rolling his eyes about how long I take. I stick out my tongue at him before he walks off, leaving my door open. Ugh I hated him doing that, and he knew it. I rolled my eyes as I got my last things together. I put on my tie, jumper (making sure to tie it at the back) and then my blazer then turned off my music and opened my messages from Piper:

➤ What time you getting to school today?

➤ My mum wants to know if you want some snacks - she told me that if you don't eat again today then she will shove it down your throat 🤗 

➤ JOKESSS just please eat babes

I'm fine Piper!! I had some fruit last night, not tryna die before seeing TS

➤ You and fucking Taylor Swift 🙄 

T swizzle is life. 

Tell Helen I said morning 🤗 see you at school Pip

➤ see ya my favourite xx

"ALLIE GET YOUR ASS TO THE DOOR NOW BEFORE ME AND JAMES LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!" I hear Ethan shout. I run to grab my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder as I shoved my wired headphones into my pocket and ran to the door. "Hola losers!"" I say waving at the boys sat in the car. "I don't understand what takes you SO LONG." Ethan says as I jump into the back seat. "Me either, girls are a different breed I swear." James agrees and I give him and annoyed look, "DON'T GET HER STARTED MAN." Ethan warns him. "Whoops forgot we had little miss feminist in the back." James apologies and rolls his eyes. I usually would argue with him, but he was giving me a lift so I felt a bit nicer. "Can I be in control on music today? Pleaseeeeeee." I beg the two boys. "Ugh fine, anything so that you don't give me the feminism talk this morning. And I do love to hear you singing." James said. "YAY!" I say, practically jumping in the seat as we drove from the home. I connect my phone and started blasting 'don't blame me', I loved to sing this one and both the boys knew this one making it the best song for morning car-oki. Ethan was videoing me singing as usual, he had a whole album of me singing and I rolled my eyes every time he showed me one, I did love it though, I could always hear the videos playing in his room when I walked past but I never told him that. The three of us sang together, the two boys jokingly singing but stopping when the high notes came as they both loved hearing me sing them. As the song came to the end, we began to talk again as I put on 'sweet nothing' for me to hum along too. "How does it feel to be the talented one in the car?" James asks me jokingly "It feels...." I began to answer before being interrupted by Ethan's shouts. "WOW WOW WOW WAIT A MINUTE. IM TALENTED DUDE." He shouts as everyone breaks down with laughter. After minutes of laughter and talking we arrived at school, the dreaded prison. I let out a sigh and the three of got out of the car and walked to the double door entrance of the school. "Be good today, don't get into trouble." Ethan tells me rolling his eyes as I started to walk away from him in the corridor, "Yeah yeah whatever." I tell him before speeding away from him down the corridor. "BYE ALLIE!" He calls down to me, I turn round and wave to him before turning the corner and shoving my headphones in. I walked around, blasting music to myself, trying to pretend I wasn't in school. 

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