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After Gold Record was de-akumatized, Adrien went to check on Luka. "Luka", he shouted as he ran up to the guitar player. "Adrien, are you okay?", asked the musician "Forget about me, are you okay?", asked the blonde. "I'm fine thanks to Ladybug... and of course, Chat Noir", he said with a wink.

Adrien immediately blushed. Luka had hinted earlier that he knew he was Chat Noir, was that why Monarch went after him?

Before Adrien could say anything more, the gang came over and everyone was pulled into a group hug.

After everything had started to calm down, the band when back to practicing. Luka had noticed Adrien quickly tuck something into his bag for running to this keyboard.

Throughout their rehearsal, Luka caught himself looking at Adrien every so often. This didn't take away from his performance (playing music was like second nature to him) but still. At some point, the model looked back at him with his signature sweet smile. Luka couldn't help but smile back.

Later that night, it was starting to get dark and everyone was leaving the house boat. As Gorilla pulled up to collect Adrien, Luka noticed a sheet of music slip out of Adrien's bag. "Wait! Adrien, you forgot your...." Gorilla had already driven off.

The musician looked down at the piece of paper in his hand. This wasn't music for Kitty Section, it was something that Adrien wrote himself.

Blue eyes that shimmer like the ocean
Hair as dark as a night sky
I've started to see you differently
A strange new feeling I can't deny

This was a love song! Adrien; in love! There was only one person Luka would think of that fit the description of the song. Adrien liked...

"...Marinette", he whispered with a stranger mixture of shock and disappointment.

Why was he disappointed? He was over Marinette, right? Of course! And this was something she always wanted, even while they were dating.

He should be happy for Mari and Adrien, but he couldn't shake the feeling in his heart. Like there was a gaping hole in his chest.

A strange new feeling he can't deny...

Inner Music: A Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now