Chapter 130 - Tea time in early summer

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After listening to the story carefully, Fabian wept silently, thinking of Heila, who must have been afraid of being alone. Her twin sister who was abandoned just because she was a little weaker. It occurred to her that Heila might have been the child who should have been chosen as Queen.

“Thank you for coming in time, Lena.”

Fabian held an informal ceremonial succession to the throne with Count Melix, the chairman of the nobility council, and the supreme priest at her bedside and other nobles at her feet. Fabian couldn’t get out of bed, but she was still able to give a final blessing to Lena, who was kneeling beside her.

For the next two days, Lena spent a confusing time arranging her randomly mixed memories, her instincts as a Queen, and her attitude as a ‘Lena’ that she had been living with. But contrary to her concerns, two days was enough.

Lena herself was surprisingly able to take to her instincts as the ruler as if she had been the Queen’s heir from birth. But her time as a maid also made up a large part of Lena, and she couldn’t let go of those days. Even if she had searched for memories of her past, her present most intense feelings were towards Kahel. If Kahel had not been in danger, her awakening would have been delayed.

Meanwhile, Liddell was completely deprived of her magical powers by the ‘Queen’s Sword’. It wasn’t that it was sealed, but that her magic itself had completely disappeared.

Liddell was, in a way, a child victimized by the greed of her predecessors. What the head of the Santella family studied from generation to generation was the ritual to produce blood close to the first ancestor, and Liddell was born on this earth as a pure evil without any room for her own choices to interfere.

They believed they could devour the country if only their instinct to obey the Queen was suppressed. At the time when the powers of the Queen were waning, she might have succeeded if Lena had not been born. However, God did not want to see the return of evil on this earth.

“What about Liddell?”

With the cold tea in front of him, Kahel asked. They were in the garden of Regina Palace in the sunny early summer, long after the funeral of the previous Queen and a month of mourning had ended. At the tea table were Kahel, Lena, and Lian, the new Duke Santella.

“She feels like a ten-year-old child. When she first opened her eyes, she could communicate and know very basic etiquette, but she didn’t really remember anything. But after her thoughts and feelings settled down, she began to learn noble etiquette and culture, and she quickly recalled what she had learned before. However, she still can’t remember anything related to that day. Ironically, after losing that memory, she really looked like an angel.”

“Maybe, she should have been born as an angel. It’s all because of a curse that’s been going on for Liddell since she was in the womb.”

It was, to be precise, a kind of curse that caused Liddell to not obey the Queen and possessed high-purity magical powers. Leonard may have called it a blessing, but looking at the basic structure of the magic, it was a curse similar to what was entangled in Kahel’s body. And it was the curse that was cut by the Queen’s sword.

In any case, Leonard lost his life to his daughter, whom he had raised so dearly, and Liddell lost her magical powers and some of her memories. All the people of the Santella family involved in this incident were executed, and the temples that had been bought by the Santella family were trying to save themselves.

In this case, there was no need to punish the warlock Margella, who was as close to the mastermind as Leonard and Liddell. This was because a body with only the upper body left was found near the border of the capital. She squeezed out all her magic in order to pour out the magic needed to summon monsters, and it was speculated that she was eaten by the monster that has gone crazy from side effects of black magic and the magical energy emitted by the monsters.

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