Chapter 24 - Duke's friend

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Regardless of the various thoughts of the people gathered in the banquet hall, the beautifully adorned Kahel led Luahalla to the place where the Queen and the Grand Duke were seated.

“As soon as you hear the test results of the bloodstone and lylok, I can’t believe you captured the Marquis of Rognac, really Kahel.”

Lian was more interested in Luahalla that he brought with him than in Kahel’s splendid attire. Anyone thinking of doing business with Hildebrunn will usually think of Marquis Walid, the brother-in-law and diplomatic representative of King Hildebrunn, but Kahel didn’t want someone loyal to Hildebrunn.

Although he was a prince, Luahalla was more unstable than Marquis Walid, and was able to sacrifice the interests of his motherland for his own benefit. It was a condition that was quite useful from Kahel’s point of view.

“My father sent my uncle to Hildebrunn belatedly, but Kahel must have expected that, too. In the name of Marquis of Rognac, five tons of bloodstone were sent to the Hildebrunn royal family.”

“The timing is good. He anticipates everything as if he was looking down the palm of his hand.”

“Anyway, for Hildebrunn, they would have had no choice but to sign a contract with the Luave family, the largest producer of bloodstone, but they could have been smarter than that. In a few years, Kahel will definitely lower the price. There will also be a scheme for Marquis Rognac’s personal gain. Uncle warned them about that, but to stop listening to it with only 5 tons of bloodstone…….”

“That’s their situation, and I personally think Kahel handled it quickly and well this time. I’m really curious as to what the hell is going on in his head. Well, that aside, should we take this opportunity to replace all the bloodstones in our mansion? 50% brighter…….”

“Brother. Have you decided to make our father upset?”

Liddell poked Lian’s side and frowned slightly.

Liddell was cute even when she rolled her eyes, but Lian noticed that Liddell didn’t like Kahel’s success. Of course, as a member of the Santella family, she cannot welcome the success of her rival, the Luaves, but Liddell’s heart is a bit different from that. Because Kahel succeeds; the more he succeeds, the more she thinks she should have as much success.

Lian sips champagne and looks back at Kahel. Kahel was introducing Luahalla to the Queen.

Both the Queen, who was dressed in lavish fashion like a goddess for her husband’s birthday, or Luahalla, who would not have swept through his hair in order not to miss his long-awaited opportunity, were both dazzling. If they had been the only ones there, it would have been eye catching.

Unfortunately, they had the “best” Kahel Luave next to them. The black hair, which seemed to have been swept away however it was, created a more mysterious atmosphere by moderately covering his red eyes, and after putting on a silver gray vest and a black coat, a ruby ​​brooch was dazzling on top of neatly bare cravat. There must have been insidious gazes clinging to the top of the pants, where his tight thigh muscles were hidden.

They’ve never seen Kahel in a suit that fits his body so well, so those who saw his dazzling figure today thought that he must have covered up the silhouette of his body to suppress his devilish powers even a little.

‘Kahel is totally determined.’

Lian handed an empty champagne glass to a passing attendant and took a new one.

For him, Kahel Luave was just as interesting as his sister. He was different from an early age, but as he grew older, he was so resourceful and clever that it was as if he was really the devil.

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