Chapter 102 - Sin of daring to covet

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“Miss, miss!”

“Why are you making such a fuss again, Sarah?”

“Hohoho. When I went to the laundry room, I witnessed a very interesting scene.”

“Huh? An interesting scene?”

Elliot’s eyes began to twinkle. As if to fuel Elliot’s expectations, Mrs. Marvin lowered her voice even more and curled her eyebrows.

“Yes. It was a scene that didn’t make any sense to me at all, but maybe this will help you.”

“What is it, what is it?”

Mrs. Marvin whispered into Elliot’s ear.

“A while ago, Young Master Lian was eavesdropping on the conversation between the Duke and Lady Liddell. There was definitely something there, he was just creeping around like a mouse. Is Young Master Lian and Lady Liddell having a succession dispute?”

At that, Elliot frowned. Because it couldn’t be.

Officially, Lian and Liddell were both candidates for the Santella heir, but everyone in the Santella family knew that Lian had ceded his position to Liddell. He said that if Liddell became queen, the succession would naturally pass to Lian, but Lian had never shown any greed for the succession.

“It’s really strange…… Why was he doing this now?”

“Whatever it is, it is clear that Young Master Lian captured the secret conversation between the Duke and Lady Liddell earlier. Because his face had turned very pale.”

“What? Hmm….. I’ll have to talk to Miss Liddell tomorrow.”

Maybe she could score a little bit from her, so Elliot gave Mrs. Marvin two silver coins.

* * *

Kahel returned ten days after he left for Hildebrunn. Arder hurried out in front of Kahel, who came back abruptly and opened the door of the mansion, bowing his back.

“You’re back?”

“Yes. Was everything all right?”

As Kahel heads to his office, he gets a report from Arder about the big and small things that happened in between. But throughout his journey back to Logos, Kahel’s head was filled with thoughts of a little rabbit that might be somewhere in this mansion. The last time he saw her he didn’t forget that awkward face.

As Arder, who was following him, closed the door to the office, Kahel flopped down on the sofa and sighed.

“What about Lena?”

“It’s nothing special, but she was at her first tea party a while ago.”

“A tea party? Whose?”

“It is the Lady she met at the Spring Banquet, and her name is Miss Leslie Peregrine.”

“Ah, that girl.”

Kahel recalled the playful face with red hair. He didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. In fact, Lena would be more comfortable with Leslie, who came from a commoner.

“Do you think she had been through something bad?”

“No. She seemed to have quite a bit of fun, and since she came back, she has always looked excited.”

“Actually, it must have been the first time she had made friends of the same age as a noble. I’m glad…….”

Arder quickly noticed the bitterness at the end of Kahel’s words.

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