Chapter 86 - My person

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Kahel couldn’t say anything hastily. In Terra Luave, his mother had gained energy, and now the Queen is losing her energy. Moreover, they could have a national crisis if the Queen lost her powers without a successor. No, he didn’t even know it had been happening for a long time. Because the Duchy of Santella was ruthlessly working hard to make Liddell the next queen.

“The temple recommended that Lady Santella and the first prince Erdin be married. Lady Santella can think of herself as the provisional Queen, and if a daughter is born between the two, the child will continue to be a queen of Ardenian blood. But to be honest, I can’t trust Lady Santella. She is truly beautiful and popular with the people, but Duke knows how ambitious she is, right?”

“Of course.”

Liddell’s ambition, as told by her Queen, is something that even the high-ranking nobles of Logos who collect various information would never be able to imagine.

The Queen noticed the Santella family’s change of heart earlier. With her powers, she naturally had no choice but to know. But even if she knew about it, she couldn’t do anything about it.

“It’s not that I don’t understand Lady Santella’s dissatisfaction. It is only because of the power that Ardenia can be the Queen of Logos, and it must be funny to submit to such a weak power…….”

“The Luave family will protect Your Majesty the Queen.”

The Queen smiled bitterly. The Royal Family survived because the Luave family supported the rest of the country. The fact that the country’s Royal Family had no choice but to depend on the power of the noble family was already a disgrace for her. That was a separate matter from being grateful to the Luaves.

The Ardenian dynasty had been flawed for three generations over which its power rapidly weakened. Their power was weak, so their authority was not well established, and the Royal Family was intimidated by that fact. It wasn’t that they were bad, but it is true that the recent three generations were helpless compared to their predecessors who were praised for being great.

Fabian, who thought it was wrong from the time she was a princess, tried to somehow rule properly after her accession, but the Royal Family and nobles, already immersed in the momentum, were uncomfortable with Fabian’s progress. Fortunately, the Luave family decided to stand on the side of the Queen, and Fabian alone would not have been able to do so.

“I can’t stand face to face with my apologies to the great ancestral queens. If only I had been a little wiser, if only my power had been a little stronger…….”

“It’s not Your Majesty’s fault. Power is given. What’s wrong with Your Majesty, who has no choice but to accept that?”

“No. I have made a mistake that nothing can wash away. I think I’m going to get that punishment.”

“What do you mean?”

Kahel asked, having no idea what Fabian was talking about, but Fabian just sighed and shook her head. Kahel had a gut feeling that Fabian’s ‘mistake’ would be a major turning point in the situation, but he didn’t ask the Queen for an answer. Instead, he told the story of the young ladies of Marquisate Ravel.

“The most in danger people in the current situation are the two young ladies of Marquisate Ravel. Marquisate Ravel increased their escort personnel, but I think it would be safer to keep the two of them in the Palace.”

“I see. Anyway, Marquis Ravel is to visit tomorrow, so I’ll tell him.”

“The Luaves will take responsibility and escort the two young ladies on the way to the Royal Palace. They will also have to ride a separate carriage.”

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