Chapter 68 - Lady Belrose

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‘Logos will usher in a new era at the rise of the third millennium…….’

The Luave family has been thinking for a long time about what the ‘new era’ mentioned in the last verse of the Logos biography is. But Kahel was very well aware that the process of breaking down something old was essential for something new to begin. And the only thing that could overturn the 2,000-year-old Logos was the clash of the two Duchy and the transformation involving the Queen.

Santella must have thought so, too. Revision of the scriptures, disloyalty to the Queen, manipulation of public opinion even, the relationship between the territory of Levanas and the monsters…… It’s heartbreaking to turn a friend he’s known since childhood into an enemy, but what the Santella family and Liddell have been up to has only come to a single conclusion.

‘Soon, there will be war.’

The champagne used as a party drink must have been sweet, but there was a bitter taste in his mouth. Luahalla also swallowed dry saliva at Kahel’s calm expression. He couldn’t speak of it, but it was because he had guessed what Kahel was implying.

“How much time do you think you have left?”

“I think it will be within one year at the earliest, and within three years at the latest. It is not yet known whether this will come first or Hildebrunn’s change will come first. Because there are too many variables. I wish I could hold hands with you a little earlier, but I can’t help it. We have to do our best in the current situation.”

“All right. Whoo……I’m nervous.”

“Stop pretending to be meek. You must be more greedy than Ragdrill.”

“Wh, what……!”

“Isn’t it? Look at your face. A person who was nervous has such an excited face…… Everyone who sees it will be embarrassed.”

Kahel smiled charmingly and handed a half-filled glass of champagne to Luahalla. His face went red for a moment, but he smiled when he realized that Kahel wasn’t taunting him. He didn’t even think that it was possible to hide his heart from this monster from the beginning anyway. He drank the rest of the cup he had taken again in one breath.

“It’s like we share blood. Please help me. I, too, will be your strong ally.”

Kahel, who had finally won Luahalla’s heart, nodded his head lightly.

“Welcome to the same boat. We will win.”

* * *

The busy schedule of the New Year’s Celebration passed in the blink of an eye, but Ardennes and the social world were still crowded. The nobles who ascended from the provinces gathered together to finalize their visit during the New Year’s Celebration, and resolved the problems that had to be dealt with in Ardennes while they were up.

There was a lot of talk about marriage, so the party where young men and women gathered was full of excitement, the wives who liked to stand in matchmaking were busy going from house to house, and love letters flew into the house of the girls between 18 and 25.

But the Luaves was quiet, as if one step away from all that fuss. Kahel had only to pack his things, as he had decided to go to Terra Luave to meet the critically ill Duchess. It was a minor incident that Lena received the title of a Markgrave as the Duchess’ secretary who wrote her biography.

Of course, there was another writer to write the biography, and Lena was nothing more than a ghost writer, but thanks to that, Lena rose to the status of a noble that she never even thought of.

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