➢ C͖͎h͓̺̻a̡̟͓p̢͎͜t͙͚̦e͙̻r̡̡̙ 26

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THE MOMENT I found myself walking down the big entrance hall of the secret service, I knew that nothing would be the same after this day.
I didn't dare to look back, my face blank as I walked step by step in my black heels. I was wearing the same thing that I'd worn to the funeral, my black coat floating behind me as I walked in a steady pace. I didn't know if I would ever see Timothée or Jason again but those thoughts were pushed into the back of my head. I could hear my heartbeat drumming in my ears, the migraine that I always had on the spot above my right eyebrow now slowly making itself noticeable. I wasn't certain about much in my life, really, but I certainly knew what I had to do. No one and nothing would keep me from getting the revenge that I so desperately needed.

And if I said no one, I meant Agent Ross, who was now laying unconscious behind the reception.
If I said nothing, I meant the huge glass doors that Ross locked and they were now laying in little pieces, kicked in by me.
I stared forward, towards the elevator that was still a bit far away from me, not daring to advert my gaze to any other direction. I had walked down this hall so many times before. The first time I did, I was almost a child, scared and desperate to find something to continue living for, a little purpose. The agency had given all of it, more, it had given me friends and a real purpose.

I looked down at my hands, they still were slightly shaking and stained red from blood while I was holding my gun in my right hand.
I didn't exactly know what to expect, my mind was blank as I was being controlled by nothing but my rage and hatred. I wanted to kill her so badly that it didn't even come to my mind that maybe she'd be the one to kill me in the end.

My feelings all were thrown into one pot and mixed, the anger being the strongest out of all of them. I felt as if my only purpose became killing Dennis and that hurt like shit. I wasn't and would never be a part of the agency, that had given me everything, ever again.
My steps echoed loudly until I finally reached the elevator.
I pressed the button, the metal feeling cold under the touch, sending shivers up my spine.
The first time I had stepped into that elevator I hadn't known what was expecting me, I was a clueless, desperate child who had lost her parents. Now, I wasn't that child anymore. I was someone else. Maybe I wasn't proud of who I'd become, someone driven by anger and the lust for revenge, but at least I knew what I was getting myself into by killing her. Maybe I'd get killed too but I'd at least find peace. I didn't want to be that person anymore even though I saw that I had changed. It wasn't Lorian Dennis or my parents who had changed me, it had been Timothée. Maybe I'd really found love this time and I wouldn't just let my ex-boss take that little peace that came with it away.
My steps echoed heavily in my ears as I stepped out of the elevator, getting closer to her office with every step.
One step closer to killing her.
One step closer to loosing or gaining the control over my life.
One step closer to getting revenge for Timothée.
One step closer to stopping my parents from escaping.
And maybe one step away from dying.

One might think that you'll feel fear but fear had always seemed unfamiliar to me. I mean what could you expect of someone who grew up as an agent?
My thoughts were still running havoc but just stopped, every single one leaving my mind as I kicked in the door to my ex-bosses office, the sound of the wood cracking and it hitting the floor clearly audible in the empty hallways while the sound was reverberating loudly.
I stepped into the office, my eyes scanning every centimeter of the space until I caught Lorian Dennis sitting in her chair, back facing me, the same way she had sat in my office the day she told me I'd work with Timothée. It itched in my fingers, the want to just shoot that bloody smirk off of her face that she always wore. One way or another, I'd end her career.

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