➢ C͖͎h͓̺̻a̡̟͓p̢͎͜t͙͚̦e͙̻r̡̡̙ 14

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WE MIGHT DIE. Actually, at this point I'm quite sure that we will die. The thought of walking into a room full of criminals awakes some sort of claustrophobia inside of me. I mean, if you look closely, you realize that I'm technically a criminal too, but that isn't the thing of main importance now since I needed to make sure that we both, Johnson and I, would stay alive until the end of the mission occurs and the only question is how.

„Just stop it, Chalamet." Y/n sighed and slightly rolled her eyes because I had been banging my head with a book for the past five minutes. I'm sure that she didn't even know what my problem was and maybe just thought that I had a problem with the author's writing-style which, I must admit, was one of my issues too but I was overall still just trying to figure out a plan but I couldn't for the life of me think of a way to survive that many criminals at once.
We needed to stay undetected, of course, and blend in with the crowd. Maybe we would be able to catch some information regarding the Shadow Atlas but it still felt like we were walking into a trap, which we probably were, because we didn't have any knowledge about what would wait for us in the Hôtel Laplace. We didn't know how many criminals would be there and how dangerous they would be, even though we were sure that they'd be quite dangerous, nor what the location would look like. We didn't know if there would be any way to leave the hotel beforehand or if we'd get locked up in there until everything was over. Maybe James Brook had found a way to tell his boss that we knew about the deal/auction even though he had been arrested.

I was so consumed in my thoughts, that I didn't even hear my phone ring for the first few seconds until I finally snapped out of my thoughts and took a look at the caller ID.

By unknown

Accept Decline

„Hello?" I said as soon as I had pressed accept.

„Hi, it's Daniel." I heard Agent White say on the other line of the phone.

„What is it?" I asked as I slightly relaxed because I always slightly worried when I saw the by unknown on the screen, maybe just because almost every criminal uses the unknown caller ID and I worried that maybe, only maybe someone from my past was trying to get in contact with me.

„I just wanted to make sure that you and Y/n are aware of the fact that team immortal will be joining you on your mission." Daniel said calmly while I felt like I was hyperventilating. Yes, I'd read about team immortal in the file of the second step of the plan but the information had completely slipped out of my memories because I didn't even know who the hell team immortal was.

„Um, yes." I answered and cleared my throat.
„Yes, we're aware."

„Okay, great!" Daniel called though the phone and I could hear the excitement in his voice.
„We, Olivia and me, will park our van close to the hotel and then we'll hope for the best. I handed Y/n and you the contacts and the new earpieces last time we met so everything should go smoothly."

„Mhm." I just mumbled, my brain drifting off to the team immortal problem,if that's what you could call it, I'd have to ask Y/n about it.
„Is team immortal already here in Paris?" I asked and tried to make my voice sound as casual as possible.

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