1820 AD-Meeting Booker

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Not even 40 years later there's another war.
Today we fighting the Neapolitans but we're not alone.A new immortal joined the group.

I only knew about him because he got sent to the infirmary, to be looked over.A group of men, about 200 men,got sent on a suicide mission. The generals weren't expecting any survivors but the new immortal came walking into camp.

Andy's pov
I noticed the new immortal looking at me weirdly when talking to the leading general. I was anxious because he could tell everyone here what we are.

"Sir, he's not going to talk. How about I talk to him in private? Maybe he's talk when there's less people firing questions at him." I offered hoping the leading general will allow me to take him.
"Yes, maybe he would. Take him to your cabin and we will discuss this matter again later." The leading general said.
I quickly got up, leading the man to my cabin where the rest of the team is.

YN's pov
"Guys,meet the new immortal." Andy stated.
"Hi, welcome, do you want some tea?"Nicky offered.
"That would be nice." The new immortal sat next to Nicky taking the tea. Andy came to sit next to me.
"So? What happened to me?How did that happened? Why did I see you guys when I woke up?" The new immortal blurted out quickly.
"Woah, relax,we'll answer every question you have but first tell us your name" Joe said.
"Oh, sorry, I'm Sebastian but my friends call me Booker" Booker said.
"Well, Booker, you're immortal now. That's how you survived. And those dreams you had, they will stop now that you've met us"Andy answered his questions from before.
"Ok, so, we never die?"Booker asked.
"Yes, we can but that won't happen to you for a long time."Joe answered.Booker nodded his head.

"So, what are all your names?"Booker asked.
"Well I'm Joe, he's Nicky and they are YN and Andy."Joe said.
"I know who you are, you're general Andy."Booker said.
"She's technically not a general." I muttered.
"How is she not?"Booker asked.
"It's a long story"Andy answered.
"Is it now?" I asked.
"Yes, the story starts with you dying and coming back with the ability to give me whatever my heart desires."Andy replied.
"Yeah, maybe it is a long story" Me and Andy chuckled together.

Booker was looking at us when Nicky whispered 'There married' in his ear.
"Oh, you too are married." Booker said surprised.
"Yeah,we are" I said. Me and Andy held up our hands to show the rings.
"When did you get married?" Booker asked.
"1408.Making us be married for 412 years" Andy replied.
"Woah,so, how old are all of you?"Booker asked.
"We're 741"Nicky replied pointing to him and Joe. Booker was shocked.
"Im 872" I said.Booker was even more shocked.He looked at Andy and things got intense.
"How old are you,Andy?"Booker asked.
"I don't know the number but I'm old" Andy said with her head down.

"Anyway, you can't tell the other generals about what we are" Andy said changing the subject.
"Ok I won't but what am I meant to say?" Booker asked.
"Come up with a lie" I said.Booker nodded.The boys left leaving me and Andy alone.

"Those generals seem like such hypocrites." I said kissing Andy's neck.
"Imagine being there, when they come up with hypocritical statements"Andy said. I kiss her lips and we move to the bed. Andy has a strict rule,which I hate, that we can't have sex during war.So,we only make out but it's still good. We fall asleep with my head on Andy's chest.

The Next Morning......
The generals come storming in , waking us up. They're shocked to see us in bed together but don't say anything. One of the generals stare at my chest which causes Andy to pull the blanket to cover me.
"Is there something you need,gentlemen?"Andy said staring at the general looking at my chest.He looks away embarrassed.
"We need to discuss the uninjured man"
The leading general asked.
"Can we do that not in here?" Andy asked.
"Of course, and who is that?" He asked pointing at me. Looking at me then back to the generals.
" My wife" She replied unbothered. They all nodded trying to understanding what Andy said.
"Is there a problem?" Andy asked.
"No, we didn't know you swang that way-Me and Andy looked confused and offended- we'll take our leave and meet you in the common room." He replied.

"God, I hate them."Andy muttered kissing my neck before getting up.
"No, you hate them looking at me the way they did" I replied smiling.
"Of course I do, I don't want them looking at what's mine" Andy said getting dressed.
"What's yours?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Yes, we've been married for over 400 years. I can't say you're mine?" Andy smirked.
"You can,but don't forget you carry my name."I replied.
"Ok, whatever you say love" She said kissing me before leaving. I fell back asleep.

We're all sitting,eating breakfast, talking when Andy joins us.
"Booker, you're cleared from any investigation." Andy said grabbing some food.
"Oh,good. Thanks" Booker replied.
Andy sat putting her hand on my thigh under the table. We're sat in the corner so no one can see which is what Andy likes. She prefers her affection to be just for us and private because Andy doesn't like being centre of attention.

All of a sudden, a guy comes ups to the table.He look familiar but I can't place where I've seen him.
"Can we help you?"Andy asked annoyed her breakfast is being interrupted. The guy ignore her and turns to me.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Why?you wanna take me out on a date? I flirted.This is when Andy squeezes my thigh a little.
"Well,do you have a boyfriend?"The man asked.
"No, I don't" i said. By the grip on my thigh, I can tell Andy's jealous. I love making her jealous.
"Well, what's your name?" The man asked.
"Why do you want to know my name?" I said leaning in a little.
"I wanna know who I'm looking at"The man flirted back.

"Hello, excuse me, back off" Andy said in a harsh voice gaining the man's attention.
"Sorry general wasn't intending to intrude, I just saw this fine la"-Andy punched him making his nose bleed.

I grab her hand to calm her down so she doesn't do it again. The leading general came rushing over to us, standing in between Andy and the man.

He checked the man, him saying he's fine wiping his nose. The lead general told us that was his son and Andy had no right hitting him.
Andy defended herself, eventually the leading general backed off and we left and went to Andy's cabin.

"What was that?" I shouted.
"I don't know,I was angry." Andy argued back.
"You were jealous, that's fine but you shouldn't have hit him." I said.
"Just because he's the general's son doesn't mean I shouldn't have hit him" Andy argued.

"Ok, you two need to relax" Joe said standing in between us.
"I'm sorry, ok. I just didn't like watching you flirt with that idiot."Andy said defeated.
"I'm sorry, I never should've flirted back" I said hugging her. When we broke any,Andy kissed me.
"It won't happen again, I give you my word." Andy said sincerely.
"Ah that's a shame, you're hot when you're jealous." I said smirking at her. She smirked back.

The boys decided it was best to leave and Andy apologised to the leading general's son.

After the war......
We explained to Booker, it's best not to speak to his family. He insisted and we let them until his youngest son got cancer. Blaming Booker for his pain because his son thinks his father is denying him immortality but Booker couldn't give his son any closure. I told him it was best if I compel his son and let his son die in peace, and come back with me.

Andromache the Scythian x YN(female)mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now