1099 AD-Meeting Joe+Nicky

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YN's Pov
This morning I woke up to dreams of these 2 men fighting each other. I gasped when I opened my eyes and Andy was looking at me like she saw the same thing. Then Quynh came rushing in.

"Did you guys see that or was it just me?"Quynh questioned.
"No, we got them to." Andy replied.
"Should we go get them?" I asked.
"Of course we are" Quynh responded.
"Right, we'll everyone get ready and get your stuff. We leave in 30 minutes." Andy instructed. Quynh left. We got ready and we were on our way to get those men.

When we got to the battle field, we saw them fighting and killing each other many times.We intervened. Andy and Quynh stop the Arab one and I stopped the Italian one. They both started shouting they were going to kill each other in their native language. So I knocked out the Italian one and Andy knocked out the Arab one.

We took them away from the battle field and camps to a cottage in the forest. When they woke up, Andy and Quynh told them everything and that they are safe with us.

I was a bit worried because Nicky, the Italian one, had a cross around his neck and I was scared he wouldn't accept me because I'm said to be devil on earth.Nicky came outside so decided to talk to him, it's better if he knows now what I am.

" can we talk?" I asked.
"Yes,of course" Nicky replied.
"Follow me to a more quiet place"I said.
We walked to the river.
" So what did you want to talk about?" Nicky asked. I took a breath before starting.
"I see by the cross, you're Christian." I said. Nicky nodded.
"Well because of your belief I need to tell you something" I hesitated."My name is YN Mikaelson and I am the rippah of the West Coast and I know I'm seen as the devil on earth but that is not me and I'm willing to show you that, if you let me." I said nervously.Nicky didn't say anything.
" say something please" I said turning to look away.
"Are you really different?"Nicky questioned.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Are you not that person anymore?" Nicky said.
"Oh yeah... I'm not that person anymore, all thanks to Andy" I replied.
"Thanks to Andy?" Nicky asked confused.
"When I'm with her, I don't feel the hunger so I can be myself and it helped me control It." I explained.
"Well,I'm glad she helped you and I can see you're not evil but please understand I need time to accept it."
" of course, I just wanted to tell you and give you this." I gave him the necklace.
"Why you giving me this?" Nicky asked.
"It's has vervain herb in it so you're protected from vampire compulsion, Andy and Quhin has one as-well and I'm planning on giving this one to joe."I said showing the second necklace.
"Thank you" Nicky said putting it on.

I tried it and now Nicky can't be compelled. We started heading back since it was getting dark and we were greeted by Andy.
"Where did you guys go?" Andy asked.
"Oh, just to the river." Nicky replied heading inside.
"We talked about vampirism and I gave him the necklace." I said. Andy nodded and went inside for dinner.We laughed and drank, and I gave Joe his necklace.We went to bed.

Waking up to the smell of bacon and singing of Italian songs informed us we should better get out of bed. Walking out of our room, Andy and I noticed Joe gazing at Nicky. I definitely ship them. We sat next to Joe watching Nicky as he turned around realising he had quite the audience watching him .We laughed and eat breakfast telling the boys to get ready for training.

The boys were good but knocking them on their asses was fun. I taught them tricks on how to kill a vampire. I say they improved.At the end, it was just me and Andy. So I started joking around which she hates especially when training.

We were sword fighting, so I turn and sliced her cheek a little. I wiped the blood off and tasted it.
" I never knew someone so hostile, could be so sweet." Smirking at Andy.
"Don't insult me" She replied swinging at me. I laughed and blocked her.
"I'm gonna marry you one day." I said.Andy came round and held her sword to my neck.
"I'd never marry someone who couldn't beat me in a fight"Andy replied.I smirked before grabbing her wrist, and swinging her over my shoulder, pinning her to the ground with me around her waist.
"You owe me a wedding" I smirked and Andy
smirked to before we got interrupted by Joe telling us dinners ready.

"So Andromache, are you and YN a thing?"Joe asked.
"Umm yeah,why you ask?"Andy said looking at him.
"Just what I saw outside, would be a little intense if you weren't dating." Joe said.
"If you think what you saw by the river was intense, you should've seen them when they weren't dating." Quynh chimed in.
"Hey! I only did those things to get Andy's attention." I said jokingly.
"Wait, you did?" Andy asked.
"Yeah, how else were you supposed to know I was interested?" I replied.
" Well, you didn't have to do anything, you already had my attention " Andy said.
"Really?When did I start having you attention?" I asked.
"When I realised something was there, was when you did my collar." Andy answered.
"When I did your collar? You were in love with me, not even 2 days after meeting?." I asked.
"No, I wasn't in love, I said when I realised something was there" Andy argued.
"Ok, whatever you say" I said.

Later on we went to bed, Me and Andy cuddled and we drift off into a deep sleep thinking this little family we've made might work out.

Andromache the Scythian x YN(female)mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now