1002 AD-part 2

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YN's Pov
Eventually, my family got very involved here. Klaus and Aurora we're together secretly, Elijah and Tristan were friends, Kol loves the village women and Finn just put up with it because it's much better than before and lastly me and Aurora are great friends and me and Jamie have a good friendship aswell.

But one night Klaus and Aurora were spending time alone when Jamie came in telling them the guards are looking for Aurora for prayer. Aurora pleaded with Klaus to leave so he did leaving Jamie and Aurora to be caught. Tristan thought Jamie was trying to be with Aurora because he was holding flowers that Klaus had given him earlier so Jamie got taken away.

Aurora came crying to me I told her to stay in room and not to come out until me or klaus tell her to. I went and got Klaus and Elijah and we went to the basement and what we saw was painful to see.

Jamie was tied up by his hands and Tristan was whipping his back. We tried to intervene but Tristan caught us by surprise by saying.
"You know there are these women in the village who reported that there was a monster that roams around killing people and leaving bite marks on there necks,my first thought was it was an animal but when we questioned the woman again they said it was Lord Kol with a demon face."
" Tristan you're wrong about us,about Jamie let him go " i pleaded with no avail.
"I don't know what beasts you and your family are but you can't hide here anymore" Tristan stated confidently.

Klaus was ready to attack him and Tristan knew that so he said,
" if I get hurt my men are instructed to tell everyone what you are" Tristan said that with so much confidence I wanted to punch him in the face. But then Tristan quickly split open Jamie's face causing him to faint and then left. Klaus went to heal him and left with Elijah to handle what we do next. I stayed with Jamie but he was so angry.

Jamie took the knife that Tristan had left and stabbed me under my ribs. I told him it's no use he can't hurt me. Jamie screamed it was my fault and run out the basement.

I followed behind but I didn't knew where he went. I looked everywhere and Elijah told me Klaus found him and took him outside.  When I got there I found Jamie and klaus was just about the burn the body before i stopped him. Klaus told me he was dead I didn't believe it until Jamie shot up. We didn't know how this was possible he was dead he had no heartbeat.

What we do know is that Jamie had the same craving for blood like us.Jamie joined us on our feeds until one night after our feeds Jamie took me to my bedroom, I thought he was going to leave and if I'm being honest I didn't want him to.

"I'm the first vampire created after your family" Jamie said.
" That is correct you are, don't worry we'll teach you everything you need to know" I replied.
"I want to know about one particular part"
I nodded encouraging him to continue.
" Have you ever had sex before"Jamie asked all innocently.
"Of course I have, you do know I'm older than you right?" I joked nervously laughing because Jamie was really close to me.
"Well have you ever had sex with someone like you, who can feel everything you can feel" Jamie said touching my waist.now I'm really nervous, blushing even.

I got out of his arms to walk away when he caught my arm. My mind telling me 'push him out your room and go to sleep' but my body was betraying me by using my vamp speed to slam Jamie into the wall kissing him and tearing off his clothes. This causes Jamie to vamp speed us over to my bed, getting tangled up in the bedsheets.

When I awoke, I quietly put my clothes on and tipped toed my way over to the balcony. Minutes later, hands around my waist and a face in my neck.
"Come back to bed" Jamie said kissing my neck. I tried to fight it but Jamie grew to be this hot guy after being turned into a vampire.

As we were kissing, Finn came in telling us we're going on a family feed.Aurora caught us feeding on kitchen staff. Jamie went for her but I stopped him, showing Aurora my vampire face. She screamed and ran but I went after her to talk with her. After a difficult conversation answering any questions she may have, she came to realise we're not as evil as the stories may say we are

Aurora's pov
One night Elijah caught me sleeping with split wrists. So he gave me his blood and told me killing myself is a foolish thing to do. When Elijah left i got up and went to the window and fell forwards intending to kill myself.

The smell of Elijah's fragrance clung to me all the down. It was the last thing I ever smelled as a human. When I awoke I feed like I haven't eaten in weeks. After I went to go find Klaus to tell him but all I could find was Elijah he looked panic and I asked why he said Mikael was here.

Klaus told me about him. I said I could help because I was like them. He said there is no us and said stay here distract Mikael like you are us, go to your brother he is doing the same. This is when I found out Tristan, he was a vampire aswell. YN  turned him and I never saw the Mikaelsons again.

YN's pov
We ran for a long time. We decided it's best if we split up, make our own paths. I thought it would be best to look for answers about my recurring dreams I'm having of those 2 women.

Andromache the Scythian x YN(female)mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now