1002 AD

386 11 0

YN's pov
It's been nearly 40 years since we turned. In that time we fled running from Mikael because he has wanted me and Niklaus dead. We have spent our time hiding in the woods being just like the beasts we heard stories of when we were children.

Luckily, I found a way for us to go in the sun.There called daylight rings,they would allow us to interact with humans and be like them only if Elijah didn't force us to live like we're nothing.

Strangely,every time I closed my eyes to sleep I get dreams of 2 women fighting battles, I can sense them but it's very faint.I haven't told my brothers because they wouldn't believe me or understand so I've been drawing them secretly at night trying to get them out my head but the dreams keep happening.But I have bigger matters to deal with like...

"Guys look over there on the path" Kol pointed.
We've mostly controlled our hunger is what Elijah thinks. In reality, Kol doesn't want to learn because he's angry that he lost his ability to do magic and that goes the same for Finn.I feel like they hate me because I'm the only who can do magic but Finn reassures me he doesn't and Kol, we don't talk much.

Everyday it gets harder for me to control the bloodlust, I go out at night on my own just for a feed. People have reported stories about us which Kol find hilarious but Elijah doesn't that is probably why he won't let us live among with humans.

But today that will change,down the path is a castle and all day people have been travelling to get there. The carriage on the path is probably on its way there.Although I know it won't get there.

After kol told us about the carriage we attacked, killing everyone even the driver.
"Such pretty clothes" I muttered.I've always enjoyed making sure my appearance is nice.
"Don't start YN" Elijah said with annoyance.
Of course he heard me.I rolled my eyes.
"What Elijah,let me admire since you won't let me go talk to the person who made the clothing"
"YN we've had this conversation a million times" Elijah said rolling his eyes.
" I know we have but you saw the castle down the path it was a gala, they were probably on their way there" I retorted trying to get him to see my side.
"YN this is not up for decision"Elijah said being difficult as always.
"Elijah,5 of them,5 of us, why can't we go in their place?"I looked at Elijah with puppy dog eyes.
Elijah stood staring at me blank face.I started
"these people are not better than we-"
"Shh" Elijah shushed me holding up a finger.
"Can you hear that" Elijah said.

We all watched as Elijah pulled back a blanket and a man came stumbling out. He distanced himself from Elijah. I vamp speed over to him standing in front of him. This scared him I can see the fear in his eyes.
"It's always nice to see a handsome face after a long journey, can I eat him brother?" I said calmly staring at him with blood dripping from my mouth ready to eat him.
"Wait wait wait don't kill me I can help you" the man said stepping a little bit back.
I stopped.

"How could you help us" I questioned.
" I am Jamie,a servant for House de Martell and I was instructed to bring House Shelley to the gala this evening at House de Martell but the Count has never met the Shelley's in person so you can go in their place."Jamie said.
I looked at Elijah hoping he'll allow this.
"Come on Elijah, I want to sleep in a proper bed" Finn said getting impatient.
"Right well if you're not going to make a decision,I think we should vote" Kol said butting in.
"This is absurd" Elijah muttered uninterested
"Raise your hand if  you want to go with Jamie to the castle-"kol stated.
Me,Finn and kol raised our hands.
"Raise your hand if you think we should gut Jamie" kol said
Elijah raised his hand like that was the only choice. Kol noticed that Niklaus hasn't voted.
"So Nik it is up to you, what are we going do".......... 

This leads us to change our clothes and getting to know who House Shelley were so we can pretend to be them.

As we enter, all of us looking up at the high ceiling and being amazed by the decor most of it was either red or gold, which is very expensive material,so the de Martell's must be very rich Lords.

"All of you stop looking up" Jamie whispered.
We all look at him like we've been caught doing something naughty.
"When you meet the Count talk about hunting and fishing with your father that's how the Count knows him and oh YN-"
Jamie moved my dress down so more of my cleavage is shown.
"-Cleavage goes a long way with the Count"
"Touch me like that again and I will rip both your arms off and beat you to death with them." I threatened.

"Next House Shelley's here for you Count"said Jamie.
We all just smiled, it was very awkward before the Count spoke up.
"I didn't know Martin had children"
"Urm yes he does,we were raised mostly by our mother somewhere else. We have only recently been in contact with our father."Elijah quickly replied.The Count nodded.
"We'd like to introduce our dear sister YN"Klaus said. He moved me forwards.
"Hello- I bowed showing my cleavage- My Father has spoke very highly of you Count." I said catching his cocky grin after gazing at my cleavage. Disgusting man.
"Well any child of Martin's is welcomed" The Count said satisfied.

Later on in the evening, we joined the gala and me,Klaus and Jamie were talking about everyone who was there. Until Count Tristan and Lady Aurora walked in catching everyone's attention especially Klaus's. He was fascinated with her but Jamie said Tristan is very protective of his sister , he won't give her away to anyone and will punish anyone who asks.Klaus just said Tristan can't do anything to him. Well klaus is right me and Jamie know it.
We let klaus talk to Aurora while we chatted I never realised how sweet Jamie is.

Andromache the Scythian x YN(female)mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now