965 AD

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A thousand years ago, a family settled in a land known for its beasts that lurk in the night. As the family grew older they began to learn these beasts were their friends and some were lovers.

The oldest daughter(Freya)died of plague while her father was out at battle. The first son(Finn)trying really hard to get mothers(Ester)love and attention. The second son(Elijah) was always considered the eldest child. The next were a set of twins, one boy(Niklaus) and one girl(Hope), who was always not good enough for their fathers(Mikael)love and attention. The fifth son(Kol) always the outsider to the family. Finally the youngest son(Henrik) was always the baby of the family.

As time went on the boys grew up learning how to hunt and fight from their father and Hope was left to help her mother with the cooking and cleaning because that was how it was women in the kitchen and men in the battle field. But what you don't know is the family had the gift of magic.
Not everyone had the gift, Finn,Hope and Kol were the only ones who had it so their mother taught them magic even though she stopped the practice when she had children.

Eventually, it came a time when the family would have to have found partners for life but the only Elijah,Niklaus and Hope had partners. Elijah and Niklaus fight for the same girl(Tatia)and Hope had a beast for a lover. At first Hope didn't know her lover was a werewolf but once her parents found out told her be careful with him when a full moon approaches. So Hope shouldn't have allowed Niklaus and Henrik to go watch the wolves transform because what happens after is the start of the downfall for the mikaelsons.Hope was wandering around making breakfast and doing spells when she heard Niklaus screaming for help. She saw him carrying Henrik's dead body.Hope being the strongest witch thought she could save him but he was already dead.

This lead to Ester and Mikael to make a decision that would end the family's human life.Ester did a spell that would make her all her children fast and strong with heightened senses.What she didn't know is that it would turn the into monsters who crave nothing but blood. Her children were having a hard time controlling this new life but Niklaus and Hope had to control this uncontrollable hunger and the pain of being a wolf. Ester had been unfaithful years ago when Mikael was off at battle. After a few days,Niklaus and Hope didn't know what was happening to their bodies but they begged crying to Mikael to anyone to help them. Instead Mikael chained them up with the help of Elijah and Finn. They turned and both of them attacked neighbouring villages.

When it was all over Hope and Niklaus woke up naked in the forest. Hope was greeted by Finn, the brother she favoured most,he told her everything: her mothers infidelity,Mikael not being her father and her being a wolf and she had done as a wolf,Elijah did the same with Niklaus. When they came back home Hope and Niklaus hugged still confused about everything that happened.In the distance they heard, thanks to their heightened hearing, Mikael and Henrik. Henrik was screaming for help Hope tried to go him but Finn held her back. They all watched how their brother getting stabbed in the heart and set on fire and watched how Mikael left.Hope thought he'll come back now there're immortal right. But he didn't.Hope was so outraged so stormed into her home to confront her mother about everything. Niklaus followed behind somewhat scared because he's never seen his sister like this before.

Hope's pov
"Mother did you see what your savage husband just did to your youngest son" I screamed
"I did" Ester replied
That answer infuriated me even more
"Well what are you going to do about it" I remarked
"Nothing" Ester snapped
Nothing really the women who caused all this is going to do nothing typical Ester
" you caused this mess you clean it up" I pushed back
" Hope I know what you need from me but I can't do it" Ester said with her back to me
"oh you know what I need do you, well what I need is stop being like this because it's going to get me killed just like Henrik" I shouted
"You won't be killed I'm making sure of that now" Ester said
This is when I realised why she has her back to me she's doing a spell
"What does that mean?" I questioned
Ester didn't answer so I looked and saw it was a curse. One that stops you from accessing a part of yourself. I thought me and Niklaus would be cursed together but only Niklaus's
name was there not mine.
"Why isn't my name there" I pushed I needed to know.
Ester started " because I can't curse your wolf side because you're powerful-"
"So you're giving up on me" I interrupted
"No I'm-"
" but you are " I interpreted again shouting
"Maybe I am, did you see what you did when you were a wolf only-" Ester stopped herself but I wanted to hear her say it
" just say it mother" I said defensively
" only monsters can do what you did and Niklaus he didn't do anything compared to what you did" Ester argued back
This is when i broke I couldn't take it anymore
"Then help me you're helping Niklaus " I cried
" because he can be saved you can't " ester said walking away
She tried to leave but the door closed very quickly and the handle was too hot to touch
Ester looked at me like i did it. Maybe I did I don't know, all I know is she isn't my mother anymore cause a mother loves her children unconditionally and not abandon them when they need her most.
" reverse it " I sobbed
" I can't " Ester replied knowing what I was referring to
"You said in magic there's a loophole" I pushed
" not this time" Ester said taking small steps towards me
" there has to be because I can't live like this for what eternity" I cried
"You're going to have to because there will never be anyone like you" Ester said with her arm holding me
" like me?" I said confused
" You're half witch, werewolf and vampire you're welcome" Ester said like I should be thankful she did this to me.

All of a sudden Ester stepped forward then dropped to the ground I look up to see Niklaus standing there with her heart in his hands.
"What did you do? I screamed pushing him a bit
" Hope did you not hear how she was speaking to you" Niklaus retorted back
I couldn't reply I just cried like I always do since being a vampire. I cry all day and feed all night.
"We should bury her before the other see"
Niklaus said I just nodded
I was thinking of the lie we need to tell the others cause if they found out the truth they would never forgive us. As we were burying her Elijah came walking up, we then made our everlasting promise 'Always and Forever'

Andromache the Scythian x YN(female)mikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang