Chapter 46

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We walked out to two very confused and startled looking guards. They must have heard both shots and assumed that Nicholas and I were dead. The fact that it was I and not Dan that was emerging coupled with the fact that Glyn was personally escorting me out must have confused them quite a bit. We walked past them as they eyed me warily, Glyn took the lead as we walked down the winding halls. As I heard the surrounding noise rising I realised we were close to the Canteen. Walking through I heard a hushed murmur as we, or rather Glyn, walked through the hall. Looking over at where I last saw Mick I saw him looking very worriedly over at us. He caught my eye but before I could feel the guilt for leaving him without answers I turned to stare at the back of Glyn's head. As soon as we had entered we had left and were making our way through the reception. Although I felt bad for finding this journey tedious I did, I knew that the longer this took the longer it would be before I left. In the end I was simply stalling the inevitable.

Glyn took me outside and we got into a jeep, following after us were the two guards from outside his office. They must have been following us the whole time, I had been too absorbed in my thoughts to notice. Glyn and I sat in the back while the guards got in the front and Glyn directed them to go to the jail house. We eventually arrived and once again we walked in silence through the building with Glyn leading the way. Once we were deep inside the building my stomach began to turn, I knew that I needed to see Neco one last time before I left but I still didn't want to see his body. I was dragged back to reality as Glyn cleared his throat and stood in front of me, his hand on the handle to a cell.

"Are you sure about this?"

My throat grew dry and my stomach clenched but I nodded anyway. He opened up the door and at first all I saw was the dingy cell from the video I had seen earlier. As my eyes adjusted to the lack of light I saw a body lying in the middle of the floor. My heart sank and I could feel my eyes stinging. Shaking my head I looked up at Glyn to see if I could go in. He gestured for me to go and I did.

My legs felt like lead and the closer I got to his body the louder my heart beat in my chest. When I was close enough I crouched down next to the body. He was lying face down and a part of me was hoping that it wasn't Neco but I knew before I turned him over that it was. The gun had shot him in the chest and it was so dull that I could only feel the blood that soaked his shirt. I could barely see his face but as I ran my hand over his features it sank in that he was gone. In the silence of the room I could hear the gentle sobs which shook my body as tears streamed down my face. For a while I knelt there, stroking Neco's head as if he was asleep and would wake up soon. The only thing that kept me from believing in the fantasy was the rapidly fading heat from his skin. I would have been content to just stay there with him but after a while Glyn walked over to me. The sound of his shoes against the concrete floor dragged my attention away from Neco.

"I think you should go now, the longer you stay the harder it'll be to leave."

His voice could have fooled someone into believing he was being considerate but I knew he was just worried that if I stayed here longer I'd lose myself. Reluctantly I got up, my knees ached from being in one position for so long. As I walked away I wiped my face, not wanting to worry Shara even more when I saw her. I followed Glyn out and as we left one of the guards went into the cell. We walked away before I could confirm it but I could have sworn that he had been carrying a mop and bucket.

Glyn once again guided me through the corridors until we came out in a room I didn't know existed. When we walked through the first thing I noticed was Lucy looking up from a desk wearing a shocked and worried expression. I think that she was going to come see me but then she noticed Glyn and decided better of herself. Instead she gave me a worried and inquisitive look, as if she was asking after me. I in turn tried to give her my most reassuring smile but I could feel my strength fading and I think my tear stained face didn't help to convince her.

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