Chapter 18

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I felt something pushing me. I opened my eyes which were still heavy from sleep. I looked up and saw Tanya standing over me shaking me gently. I sat up and felt something slide off of my shoulders, I looked down to see a jacket lying there.

"The nurse gave you it when she came round to check on him." Tanya said, answering my confusion. I looked round to Neco who was now asleep then back at Tanya who was now perched on the bed. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"What time is it?"

Tanya checked her watch, it was still dark outside so I can't have been sleeping very long.

"It's about ten o'clock, how long have you been asleep?"

I shrugged my shoulder before stretching my arms. My legs were numb so I shook them out. Tanya put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, you should go back to yours and get some proper sleep, Dan told us you're starting your first mission tomorrow, you'll need the rest."

"You're right. I didn't even mean to fall asleep here."

I got to my feet, stretching out all my tired muscles in the process.

"Don't worry about it, he'll be fine anyway."

I nodded my head in agreement too tired to speak. I waved to Tanya as I head out of the infirmary and head to my room. The corridors were practically empty except for the odd person. I got to my house and stumbled through the doorway; I changed my clothes and pushed myself into bed. I still wasn't used to how soft it was, I was more likely to sleep better on the uncomfortable infirmary bed and chair. It was too warm as well; I was used to the freezing cold night air, not the warm stifled air radiating from the metal boxes in the walls. Things were so different here. I fell asleep pondering how my life had and would change.

I woke up early, too early for the sunlight to have made its way over the city walls. I pushed myself out of bed feeling groggy, probably due to how unaccustomed I was to sleeping in what should be comfort. I walked into the bathroom to wake myself up. I stared at myself in the mirror. My skin was clean from dirt; dust and blood making my eyes stand out twice as much. They were bright white from the light but a dull blue, missing the gleam they gained after killing. For a building made for killers there hadn't been any deaths, how boring, then again I hadn't gone on a mission yet.

My hair had become oily and greasy for the first time in over ten years, normally it just knotted and matted but now that it had been cleaned and smoothed it looked messy and dirty. I splashed my face with water to wake myself up before turning on the shower and washing away the memories of my old life, the blood, the dirt, the killing to survive.

I dressed and dried my hair, by now the sun had begun to peek its head over the walls. I grabbed my phone and my key before leaving my room. I headed for the canteen but changed my mind as I passed a sign for the infirmary. I reached the infirmary entrance and spotted Neco who was perched on his bed, a nurse stood in front of him with a clip board and a stern face. She must not be happy about something. I waited until she finished talking and left before walking over. Neco noticed me and gave me a weary smile and waved me over. He looked emaciated, more likely because of the staff attitude than the injuries.

"How are you doing?" I asked him.

He exhaled loudly, attracting the attention of the sour nurse again before answering.

"Well, I feel fine, but they're convinced I'm lying so they won't let me out until at least noon. And I need to have another check up tomorrow as well. They won't even let me out for breakfast I have to have their food." He pulled a disgusted face which made me burst out laughing, once again attracting nurse attention.

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