Chapter 11

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Dan led me down the corridors which were gradually becoming busier until I noticed a sign pointing to the armoury.

"Dinner must be almost finished, Mick will have kept something good for you we'll go get it soon."

We turned a corner and bumped into Tanya. She looked surprised but relatively happy to see us.

"Hey, heading to the armoury?" she asked, the question was directed at me rather than at Dan, that seemed to annoy him slightly but I ignored it and faced Tanya.

"Yeah, then we're going to get food. I don't know what after that." I said looking at Dan for an answer but he just stood in silence.

"Oh, has Mick saved you stuff?" I returned my attention back to Tanya and nodded in reply.

"Well have fun, remember if there's anything you need let me or Shara know, we'll be happy to help, in fact tell any type two that you're the mass murderer and they'll most likely be happy to help."

I feigned a smile but being called 'the mass murder' just seemed distasteful to me. They were taking all the beauty out of my actions by giving it such a vulgar name. She began to walk away but Dan quickly shouted after her.

"Tanya, I was wondering if you could go with Aima and get her some new clothes, I'm going above and beyond my responsibilities as her supervisor as it is, and she'll need some new stuff."

Tanya turned back with a smirk on her face.

"Well, well, well. Look who's being a decent person for once" she said smugly "you should find new recruits more often if you're going to be this nice once in a while."

She took a deep breath and gave me a wink before returning to Dan.

"Yeah sure, send her to our room after you've had dinner and we'll take her out shopping."

I felt so annoyed being left out of this conversation about me, as if I was a child with parents fusing over me, so before Dan could answer for me, I shouted to Tanya.

"I'll be there"

She turned to me with a smile and then she left then, apparently Shara was still sore from here earlier defeat and Tanya was eager to attend to her.

 We kept going and came out in the armoury which was a large room; it was separated into walls of different types of weapons, guns, blades, poisons, throwing weapons and more. I felt the excitement fill me but then was abruptly halted by Dan dragging me out. I frowned at him, annoyed that he'd do that.

"I'm hungry, don't complain, I may treat you as a friend but I'm still your supervisor." He said, he sounded irritated.

"Yes, I know and I'm not a child that needs reminding."

I stormed ahead, and made my way to the canteen, I found Mick by the large food table. There were still some people at the tables eating but most had left. A few turned and looked at me strangely but I just ignored them.  I walked up to Mick and his face brightened when he saw me.

"Hiya is there any food for me."  I beamed as Mick produced a large plate with food piled on top of it.

"Where's Dan?" asked Mick, but held his tongue as he spotted him entering the canteen.

"He's treating me like a little kid, so I don't want to talk to him, is there somewhere else I could eat this?"

"You realise that's what a kid would do right?" I gave him a scowl, to which he just put up his hands in apology, "you can eat it in the kitchen if you want."

I gave him a big grin as I accepted his offer.  I quickly made my way into the kitchen as I heard Dan reach the table.

"Oh, for god sake's A! This isn't going to make me treat you like any less of a kid!"

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