Chapter 2

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It had been a long time since my last kill, I'm sure the government assumed that I must have died over the winter, maybe that's why they hadn't sent someone out to get me before. I felt my mouth twitching into a smile at the thought of resuming my little hobby. That night I went out, as I walked about I felt the cold biting through my jacket even though winter had begun to pass. I weaved through the scattered bodies and trash until I reached a point I knew all too well. I looked out onto the small house sitting alone next to rubble and death. There was a light on in one of the rooms, I couldn't remember which room that corresponds with but it didn't exactly matter. That confirmed that someone still lived there. I let out a sigh and turned to make my way back to where I was sleeping, I stopped on my way as I saw a sleeping man on the road, he was frail and weak. Looking at him he looked almost dead, I crept closer to check if he was dead or not. I could see, looking at his decrepit body the silent heaving of his lungs; I edged even closer now and lightly tapped on his shoulder. He stirred and looked up at me, smiling when he saw me.

"Why hello, young one. Is there something I can help you with?"

I beamed at him and leaned down and gave him a kiss on the check, I then moved to his ear, whispering to him;

"It's ok; I'm just taking care of what winter didn't."

I took my carving knife and quickly slit his throat, I covered his mouth to silence his screams. I heard a gargling noise and let go of his mouth, his head hit the ground with a quiet thump. I sat listening to him choke to death; feeling my blood heating up and my insatiable urge to kill well up within my heart. I got up and continued walking down the road; I repeated this several times as I came across unsuspecting victims one by one.

Ah how I had missed this, I was well and truly back now. I wandered across the road leaving the body of some child on the other side, he had happened across another of my murders so there was nothing else I could have done for him. I reached a little burrow that I had created a while back; sitting down I curled up, wrapping myself up in various pieces of clothing and trash. I couldn't wait to get out of here, to not have to sleep next to dead bodies and rubbish.

I stirred the next morning as bright light streamed through my eyelids, my face felt damp from the night before, pulling myself up I looked at the sky. I think it must have been just after dawn because the sun hadn't really risen that high, only enough to rudely awaken me from my sleep. I didn't think that anyone would be up yet but I looked around me to check anyway. If anyone was up I would probably see them considering there's very little to block my vision. There's no one up I confirmed and then wandered on a little, making sure that I had all my knives and tools with me, this was almost a routine for me but not a particularly unpleasant one. This place was desolate, I had always forgotten that this area was actually rather big but due to the drastic loss of inhabitants it looked so much emptier. I couldn't see anyone who was awake and it's impossible to tell the dead from the living when they're lying down. I made my way over to the bar, walking through the doors I could only see the bartender, other than that the place was deserted. I walked to the bar and took my seat next to the bar, the bar tender looked over at me.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Ah, yeah sure. I'll take whatever was being sold yesterday in place of beer."

He nodded curtly and set about his task.

Sitting here I started thinking about things, my mind set to work on its own task. Thinking about how I would execute my 'family', the government weren't likely to send anyone out to get me until I had killed everyone so there was no point in me delaying. I was deep in thought when the glass of strange liquid was placed in front of me; I looked up and thanked the man quickly before returning back to my thoughts.

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