Chapter 14

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Neco came over and gave me a large hug, which I returned with zest, the same so with Tanya, who found pride in my use of her side kick. Shara came up to me, her eyes bright and cheeks pink with excitement.

"You were amazing, that was one of the highest scores a recruit has ever had. Amazing."

She gave me a quick squeeze before moving to the side, and then Dan stood in front of me.

"Well did I show you up or embarrass you?" I said crossing my arms across my chest.

Dan just looked at me laughing.

"I really did pick a suiting name for you, you were amazing. No wonder you killed everyone in your area. But congratulations aside Mick's prepared a celebratory meal for you, then we have to talk about the next test."

I ran up and gave Dan a hug taking him by surprise, I quickly let go, and ran over to Neco, Tanya and Shara, grabbing them all in one huge hug.

"I'll be waiting for your advice in the canteen."

With that I dragged the trio out of the arena, when I entered the canteen Mick shouted on me, and then there was an eruption of applause from most of the canteen, but I saw some people, type one's leaving or giving me dirty looks, but it looks like I had won over the type two's. Neco came up behind me, lifting me up and Tanya lifted my feet as they carried me to the food table which had been turned into a bar with alcohol and cake.

Mick raised a glass of beer, I assumed, and shouted to the type two's, "to Aima Dolofonos, the Mass murder, blood assassin!" the hall erupted once again in cheers as people slammed glasses into tables or lifted them to the sky.

"Looks like Dan's name made quite an impression on everyone." I jumped as Neco whispered next to my ear but my surprise was quickly replaced with laughter. We celebrated for an hour, undoubtedly the best hour of my life so far.

"Hey, A! Preparation time!" I looked over seeing Dan standing at the other end of the table beckoning me over.

I scooted past people, some even moving to let me by.

"Hey, so how do I prepare for the next test?"

"Well it's a little more complicated so you might want to go somewhere quieter, bring over Tanya and the others." He shouted over the noise of the crowd. I turned back and waved for the others to join me, they soon did.  We ended up going back to my room; I needed to unload my weapons any way. Everyone sat down, occupying the two beds, I sat next to Neco, Shara and Tanya sat on the bed opposite and Dan sat perched on the drawers between us.

"So explain the second test to her." Neco piped up, Dan shot him a look. Seems he still has something against Neco, I thought he would be fine since he wasn't angry but apparently not.

"the purpose of the second test is basically to assess whether or not, one the person will be able to perform under pressure or just deal with killing and death, to prevent situations occurring, like Sophia's, where it would endanger others. Secondly it is to assess whether or not you can be trusted not to kill everyone. They will be especially cautious with you because your claim to fame is killing everyone close to you, you even said the first time I met you that you killed your 'friends'. So because of this they need to know if you can be trusted to stay true to the society or if you're likely to go rouge and just start killing. Because every recruit's circumstance is different, every secondary test is different. But the main thing is to avoid anything which can make them think that you would do anything to harm the society. You have a bit of a hothead, and they know this due to your habit of putting on a show so they will target this, they don't want you to join, and they don't want any of us to join because it threatens their perfect control over us, as we are unstable, but they need us. The type ones are hopeless."

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