Chapter 20

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We passed through streets filled with shops and houses taking turns down side streets, every so often I would glimpse someone hunched over in an alley.

"hey, this next place is where they'll be, get ready, you'll need to move fast, there's no need to question him or anything so just kill him as fast as possible."

I nodded in agreement feeling the excitement welling up inside of me, I pulled out the two long knives I kept in my boots, I knew his height and build I could kill him easily within five seconds. I tensed my legs preparing myself to jump out of the jeep. We turned the corner and found ourselves on a street filled with scruffy, dirty men and women. As if rehearsed they all turned and stared at us for all of two seconds before beginning to run. During that time I had located my man, he was at the back of the crowd and had run down a back alley.

 I launched myself from the jeep and hit the ground with a thump, I didn't wait for Dan to get out or for my brain to think, I dashed down the alley, knocking over scared people that were dashing around aimlessly.

The alley that my target ran down was long but had small openings in the walls, most of which led to dead ends. I looked ahead and spotted him running round a corner. He turned at a small house. I scanned the area and saw a pole jutting from the wall. I ran propelling myself up and caught onto the pole, swinging and pulling myself onto the roof. I ran along the roof in pace with my target. He didn't change direction and stopped at a corner unaware of my presence above him.

He stood waiting, checking to see if I would run round the corner instead I launched myself at him, landing just short of him, he turned shocked to see me, and I smiled and slashed at his face. He let out a resounding scream as he stumbled backwards clutching his face to stop the blood which was spraying out from between his fingers. I walked up to him, enjoying the terrified look he gave me from between his fingers. He stumbled and fell over a small box, he scampered backwards not turning to get up and not taking his eyes off me. I began to laugh, this was so much fun. I walked over and lifted him up by the collar and pushed him against the wall, dangling his feet inches above the ground.

"Wasn't this a fun little game?" I said, my voice sickeningly sweet. He stared at me and began to stammer, unable to make any illegible sentences. He still covered his face with his hands, opening his fingers to stare at me in fear. He continued to stammer, until I got fed up. I dropped my smile and lowered my voice. I rammed a knife into his abdomen, leaning close to his ear.

"I asked a question idiot. Did you have fun?"

I pulled out the knife and was rewarded with a resounding scream then his hands dropped from his face and I finally dropped his body to the ground.

He fell, lying limp on the ground but his body still twitched occasionally. I crouched down and cut off a large square of his shirt that wasn't blood stained. I got up and Walked back down the alley to see Dan leaning casually against the side of a building as if someone hadn't just been murdered before his eyes.

"Nicely done" he said with a large grin on his face, he looked down to the piece of shirt in my hands. "What's that for?"

I looked down, and wiped my hands grandly in front of Dan's face.

"It's for that, and I thought it would be nice to keep a little memento of my first kill."

Dan stood thinking my logic over in his head before deciding it was sound and leading me back to the jeep.

"What do we do with the body?" I said as I climbed into the seat of the jeep.

"This is why I told you to bring your phone, do you have it?"

I pulled out my phone waving it in front of his face, he pushed my hand away and took out his own.

"I've already done it for you today but normally when you finish a mission you send the chalice a picture of the body and the location. They send someone out and take the body away, here take the number and put it in your phone while we drive back."

I took his phone and punched the numbers into my small screen as he started the car. We got back to the chalice quickly and soon I was back inside the reception receiving looks from all the type ones.  Dan checked his watch.

"What are you doing now, they'll be having dinner soon?"

"Is it that late already?! Well I think I'll go see if Neco's out of the infirmary and if he is find him then I'll eat."

Dan nodded away with my speech.

"Just remember to take off all your weapons first you're not allowed them in the infirmary either, I forgot to mention that when I was giving you your tour."

"What?! But I don't want to take them off!" I shouted, very loudly, and got more disapproving looks from the type ones.

Dan looked surprised by my reaction.

"But you can't, it's not allowed, you can wear them another time just not in the canteen or the infirmary."

"No!" I was screaming now and people were beginning to stare, Dan backed up a little. I wasn't sure if it was because he was embarrassed or if he thought I might attack him.

"Look, you have to. Take another mission then you can wear them all day or spend all day in the arena but deal with it."

I screamed in frustration and turned round storming off to my room. The room's eyes following me as I walked away. I walked quickly as I went, my pent up frustration threatening to burst out by a single touch. I reached my room and slammed the door shut as I walked in.

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