Chapter 41

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As we exited the cell I noticed the fighting had gotten closer. I pulled him along quietly, not wanting to alert the guard to our escape. The closer we got to the commotion I noticed two figures at the heart of it. More accurately they seemed to be the only source of combat. A gasp escaped from between my lips as I recognised them as Tanya and Shara. I felt the urge to go help them as they were surrounded by guards but they quickly beat them back. Guns were of no danger to them because of how hard it would be to hit them with this many guards near them. Questions began whirling around my head as I tried to figure out why they were here. Shara looked up, purely by coincidence and noticed me. She was about to shout to me when I motioned for her to be quiet. Sadly I was too late, guards had already noticed her distraction and I saw Dan in the crowd. Soon guards descended on Nicholas and me.

I fought a barrage of guards, while trying to protect Nicholas to the best of my abilities although he didn't make it easy for me. A guard rushed up behind him and I jumped over to him, side stepping other guards. I kicked the guard in the head and he tumbled backwards. A guard suddenly appeared to my left, I swirled trying to compensate for my blindness. I was too late, he punched me in the side of the face and I went sprawling, my head collided with the floor adding to the flood of pain which already presided in my body. I scrambled to my feet and found my way back to Nicholas, we stood with our backs pressed against each other.

"We're not getting out of this." I muttered to him as I fought an oncoming guard only to be caught off guard by a second in my blind spot. Nicholas muttered curses in agreement as he did his best to fend of as many guards. As we were ready to give up a gunshot resounded through the concrete walls. Silence spread through the hall and all fighting stopped as heads whipped round to find the source of the gun. It was suicide to shoot in this mass of bodies. The silence was broken by a shrill scream, the piercing noise distracted the guards even further. I took hold of this chance and grabbed a gun from the guard in front of me. Nicholas seemed to have a similar idea and soon we stood encircled by guards who were torn between us and the screaming.

The time which had seemed to slow quickly returned to normal as I turned to see Tanya lying in a pool of blood on the floor. It was then that I realised it was Shara who was screaming. Her wails filled the halls and she collapsed next to Tanya's body. Shock took over and I almost dropped my gun then anger took place as I saw Dan standing with his gun still drawn. I wanted to shoot him there and then but the blur of bodies reminded me of my current position. The guards all stood warily around us, stayed by our guns but I knew this wouldn't last someone would have to break the stalemate. At last someone did but not the guards or I. Shara staggered to her feet, her cries had ceased and now pure rage filled her eyes. She once again let out a cry but this was filled with blood lust and anger rather than sadness. She like us grabbed the gun from a stunned guard and shot him in the chest. Soon the fighting resumes, guards attacked us but rather than shoot them and risk hitting Nicholas or Shara I used it as a club, knocking out some guards. However Shara who was now berserk took most of the attention away from us. I also noticed that Dan had conveniently made his own exit. I was ready to go to Shara's aid when I felt someone tug at my arm. Prepared to shoot I swirled round and froze as I realised it was Nicholas.

"Come on, we have to move." He motioned towards a gap in the guards which led out of the corridors. I glanced back at Shara but realised there was nothing I could do to help her in the state she was in. She probably wouldn't even recognise me as a friend. I agreed and Nicholas led the way, soon we made our way outside leaving the cries of Shara behind.

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