Chapter 9

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Dan waved the winner over to us.

"Aima, this here is Tanya and Shara, they're society members. I do a lot of missions with them. I think you'll like them."

Tanya was the winner, she was tall and muscled as I had expected. She was wearing a black crop top and loose grey trousers, she was well toned and extremely tanned. She had strong features and had long, silky, black hair; which was tied back in a sleek ponytail which reached to her waist. She looked young due to her physique but I could tell by the wrinkles around her mouth and eyes that she was probably in her late thirties.

The other girl Shara, who was standing lopsided while supporting herself on Tanya, had a huge grin on her face despite the blood that caked it and not to mention the fact that she had just been knocked down. She had short, curly, red hair and a freckled face, she looked younger than Tanya but not by much, she was also shorter and had more rounded featured but she was just as muscled. Shara held her hand out to mine, and I shook it, Tanya did the same.

"So, I take it you're the mass murderer from outside" Tanya said with a great big smile.

"Yeah, that's her" Dan answered for me, I shot him a dirty look, before answering for myself.

"As he said, yeah, I never called myself the mass murderer from outside but that's what everyone else calls me."

"Except me!" Dan piped up, seemingly proud of the fact.

Both Tanya and I gave him an odd look before continuing our conversation.

"So, what's your body count?"

"73, what about you"

She let out a whistle at my response.

"Well mines is 186, but I've been doing this professionally for 15 years, how long have you been doing it."

"About 6 years" At my response Shara's head popped up from Tanya's shoulder on which she had been resting it.

"What! 6 years, but you're so young!" As she jerked her body upright she let out a groan and fell back into Tanya, shifting her body weight to support Shara, Tanya faced Dan again.

"I take it you're taking her on the tour?"

Dan nodded in response.

"Ok, well then I'll leave you to it, I've got to take care of Shara. Hey, mass murderer, what's your name?"

"Aima dolfo something or other" Tanya gave me a confused look, so Dan jumped in and explained.

"She was nameless, I gave her the name Aima Dolofonos, and she's still learning it."

Tanya opened her mouth to make a remark but a groan from Shara reminded her of her priorities and she bid us good bye and took Shara out into a corridor and made her way through the maze.

"So did you like them?" I turned back round to face Dan, who was eagerly awaiting a response.

"Yeah, they seem amazing, Tanya's an amazing fighter. I've never seen someone look so happy after being practically knocked out."

"Both of them are amazing fighters but I've never seen anyone win against Tanya. Shara's always happy after her and Tanya have a fight, they're married and they say it strengthens their relationship"

"They're married? But is that allowed?"

Dan gave me a funny look before asking, "Why wouldn't it be"

"Well, where I'm from if you're in... that kind of relationship, you're basically exiled."

Dan looked horrified, "well it's allowed here, it's not that uncommon actually. What kind of place did you live in, god. Anyway let's keep going, I'll show you where the infirmary is that's where Tanya was taking Shara but we won't stay long."

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