Exposed - Light Yagami x male reader (Death Note)

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A/N: This chapter is a follow up from the first part which is titled 'Hidden Hobby'. After a lot of viewers wanting a second part I decided to make a second part for you guys. Enjoy!

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"Was my blazer like this before...?"

Light looked at the table and his whole body froze.

"It cant be" his head turned to the door to hear the chattering of Y/N and the rest of his family.

No. He didnt move it right. If he doesnt see Ryuk then he didnt touch it. I need to make sure of it.

A million of situations and outcomes overwhelmed his head. All of them leads to him telling Y/N that hes Kira. But he needs to protect him from the death note.

He then heard the most eerie cackled coming out of Ryuks mouth. He looked behind him to see him in a taunting stance.

"Now what will you do next" he laughed again.

Light took a deep breath in and put the death note back in his trap drawer. He tries to compose himself and not freak out about the possibility of Y/N seeing the death note. Or even touching it.

"Hurry up Light! Whats taking forever" he heard his sister from downstairs.

"Coming, coming" he made his way downstairs to see his family and Y/N sitting at the table waiting for him.

Light sat down in his seat and felt a hand on his knee. Y/N smiled at him and Light returned one back. They have a spare chair for Y/N since their table is a four seater.

"You guys are so adorable. I remember seeing you guys as kids running around the house a lot" Lights Mom sighed contently. "Brings back good memories"

"Remember we would camp every month and always come home with ticks" Sayu snickered at their last camping trip.

Y/N laughed along with her. "And Light accidentally stepped on poison ivy barefoot" they both laughed and leaned onto each other. Lights parents smiled at the pair while Light rolled his eyes at their humor.

"It was dark and I didnt have my flashlight one me" he laughed sarcastically.

"Okay guys dig in before it gets cold" Soichiro chuckled as the rest gladly dig in.

"Mmmmm. As always Sachiko, this food is yummy" his eyes sparkled as Sachiko chuckled at his expression.

"Thank you, it makes me happy that you enjoy it" they all had great conversations and shared good memories as always.

With Y/Ns parents working overseas, he always go by their house for company. Y/Ns and Lights parents being close friends they understand the circumstances.

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Dinner was done and the pair went up to Lights room to prepare for bed. They were sitting next to each other on Lights bed as they held each others hands.

Y/N feeling content with his new relationship with Light. Their connection feels so natural. Light thinks that their relationship is deeper than ever that they can share secrets. His eyes widened as he realized.

If he wants to be in a relationship with Y/N he has to come clean. About the Death Note. He needs to tell him. As much as he wants to protect him.

He hears Ryuk laughing behind him as he gets the feeling that Ryuk knows his thoughts.

Here goes nothing.

"Hey Y/N?"

Y/N looked at him with a cute questioning look. "Yeah"

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