Behind Closed Doors - Yuki Yoshida x male reader (Given)

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A/N: Yay! Im back now and i've got more ideas and characters since i've watched a couple of animes. Ive seen Given and its amazing! Both the show and the movie. I think Yuki is an amazing character, but it sucks cause we dont see or hear much of him. I haven't read the manga so IDK if they gave him like a backstory or something but in the anime they explained how Mafuyu met him and his other band mates. Since this is a male reader  one shot, im going to make you and Yagi cousins cause why not and im going to not make Yuki... well if you know then you know so he'll be okay in this one-shot. I hope you enjoy this!!

~Third POV~
Three boys were walking down the school hallways afterschool. One with short bleached hair with black roots, another with short black hair, and a third with h/c.
They were looking for their other friend because they haven't heard from him all day.

Yagi: Its like he disappeared

The black haired male said.

Hiiragi: Yeah I haven't heard from him since lunch period

The bleach haired male said.

Y/N: I-I mean its unlike Yuki to not text us back but maybe he's busy so we shouldn't worry too much about it

The other two looked at him like hes crazy.

Hiiragi/Yagi: Whaaaat

Y/N flinched and scratched the nape of his neck nervously.

Hiiragi: What do you mean we shouldn't worry about it. I thought at least you would be worried the most since you have feelings for him.

They all stopped walking. Yagi looked at Y/N.

Yagi: Yeah whats that about you havent told him yet about your feelings.

Y/N did not know how to react to his cousins response.Yeah he liked the male and yeah they were best friends since they were kids. But he had a tiny feeling that there was someone else that mightve caught Yukis interest.

And they all know who it was.

It was Mafuyu.

Yuki and Y/N alone had been inseparable even within their four group friendship. Until Mafuyu came into the picture. They all met him when he was alone sitting by the tree and Yuki wanted to be his friend since then. So he brought him over to his little friend group and they became a bigger group. Mafuyu felt like he was saved despite on whats been happening at home.

But he felt jealous of Y/N and Yuki because he always see them being close a lot and he liked Y/N as well but if things were different maybe he could've been Yuki's friend first and Y/N will come by later. Mafuyu decided to get close with him since he's started to feel something for him. He felt bad getting in between them but he doesn't at the same time because he wants to do whats right for him.

But it turns out that Yuki has taken a liking to Mafuyu before he introduced Mafuyu to his friends. He loved his friends especially Y/N since they have been close way before they met the other two. He felt like Y/N would like Mafuyu and support him. So he started to pursue Mafuyu.

Y/N: I mean yeah I do like him but im scared to find out that he might not like me back. Ive known him since we were babies basically. I don't want to ruin what we have right now because you never know if I said something it will all be over

Hiiragi: I mean you're right but is that what you really want? Only admiring him from afar and always thinking whether you made the right decision or not

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