I hate you! - Aki Hayakawa x devil!male reader (Chainsawman)

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A/N: Yo! Just started watching Chainsawman and its fricking insane. Im barely on the seventh episode but its going good so far. But do yall hear Kobenis english VA, no hate or anything but she screams a fuck ton man. She still badass tho, mostly everyone is. Heres one about Aki and a devil reader, shit bro. Hope you enjoy!

~Third POV~

Akis crew were walking in the streets at night after finishing a short mission. Which ended in him getting a piece of the gun devil. Denji, Power, and Y/N were messing in the back while Aki had a irk mark the entire walk, listening to them argue and mess around.

To be honest Aki can tolerate Y/N since he is not much of a trouble maker than the other two but if they pull him into trouble then he stays with them.

Even though he doesnt show it he felt comfortable around the devil which is ironic on how much he dislikes them in general. But he cant get the feeling of warmth and comfort around the male. He cant feel that way, it feels wrong but so right. He hates that feeling. A lot of the people that he loved are gone. He never plans of revisiting that feeling again but damn that devil for clawing at his heart.

He denies the feeling every single time and being near him doesnt help it.

A couple minutes later they all made it to his apartment and they made their way to his floor. Of course with Power challenging Denji and Y/N to a race, but Y/N refuses. Since he doesnt want to piss of Aki more than he already is.

"Youre on!" Denji yelled. Power laughed and they both took off to Akis front door. Y/N matched his pace with Aki so theyre walking right next to each other.

"Is everything all right Aki?" Y/N asked. Aki then looked at him with a grimmed expression and turned away. "Yes. Why do you ask?" he asked back.

"Well you seem to be pretty lost when we found the gun devil piece and youve been avoiding me a lot which is normal but not to my liking"

Aki was perplexed at his point. He thought he was pretty dense but he is a good observant.

"Nothings wrong scum, now leave me alone," Aki dismissed him. Then he walked ahead of Y/N while he trailed behind with a dejected face. He then whispered a sorry very softly and Aki caught it. He didnt do anything as he kept walking. They made it to the apartment door where they saw Power and Denji arguing.

"Shut up guys, dont bother the neighbors," he spatted.

They both went quiet after hearing the tone of his voice. Aki then unlocked the door and went in with the others following.

They all did their night routine and Aki went straight to his room. While the rest went to their shared a room and spread out their futons. They lie down and Power and Denji immediately went to sleep. But Y/N didnt get a wink of it. He was contemplated whether to talk to Aki or stay where he is at.

Were only here because were useful. Although, I can never be useful enough for him. Oh how I crave for a 'good work' or a thumbs up from him every single time I did something right.

Y/N didnt have a great life growing up before he became the ___devil. He was alone and his parents neglected him. Up to the point where they dropped him off in the middle of the woods and leave him to fend for himself. He then met the ___devil and they became one after making a deal. But he had very vague memories of his past so he doesnt feel sad or guilty anymore of his past.

Then he came across Makima and she has a strange character that he couldnt really point out. She was so mysterious and so cunning. Theres something about her that he doesnt trust but its either join forces with her or death. He knows for sure that he doesnt want to die yet so he accepted and joined Akis crew where he met Power and Denji.

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