Overprotective Part 2 - Tanjiro (bottom) x male reader (Demon Slayer)

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   It's been a few days since Tanjiro came back from his mission. He's still in bed resting and the girls and the rest of the guys would check upon him. Except for Y/N.


    I'm walking around the estate and I saw a tired, sweaty, and dirty Y/N jogging around the estate. I've been worried for Y/N once he came over and saw Tanjiro. After his visit, in the next few days, he changed. He started to train with the triplets and Kanao more. He has overworked himself to be stronger. He would stay up all night practicing with his sword skills. And in the morning he would practice his total concentration breathing with the girls. They told me that they're worried about him as well. I told him to slow it down a bit but he just doesn't listen.


~Y/N's POV~

   It was night and I just finished my daily training. I couldn't bear seeing Tanjiro hurt again so I am training as much as I can. I sat down on the steps and looked up at the stars. I admired them for their beauty which reminds me of a special someone.

"The way they light up the dark sky, just like Tanji. So beautiful, so bright"

   I whispered.

   I love him so much. He means the world to me. He helps me keep my anger in check. He makes me feel happy and loved no matter my flaws. He supports me no matter what. He's like an angel and I would do anything for him and his sister Nezuko who's like a little sister to me.

   I started to feel sleepy so I walked under the wisteria tree on the hill. From afar it looked like the moon is sitting perfectly on top of it. It was beautiful. I leaned on the tree in a comfortable position and closed my eyes hoping for good dreams.

~The Next Day~

   Right, when I woke up I started my training. I picked up a wooden sword and went to a dummy. Swinging and hitting the dummy. Letting my anger out at it and all I could do was tell myself...

Do it for Tanji

Do it for Tanji

Do it for Tanji

   I stopped what I was doing when I heard footsteps. I turned and saw the triplets coming my way with some breakfast. I stopped what I was doing and walked towards them meeting them halfway.

Triplets: Ohayo Y/N-san! We bought breakfast for you

"Ohayo. I'm not hungry but thanks anyways"

   I walked back to what I was doing missing their worried glances and I continued with my training. I heard them walk back into the estate and I looked back frowning. I shook it off and continued to train.


"I'm worried for Y/N. He's been overworking himself lately"

Kiyo: Yea we need to tell someone to let him know that its dangerous for him to miss sleep

Naho: But he won't listen to anyone. He's so stubborn

   Shinobu came from behind us.

Shinobu: Ara~ara! What have you girls been up to

"We're worried about Y/N"

Shinobu: It's alright don't worry about him too much. He knows his limits

   She gave us her smile in hopes of reassuring us.

Naho: Oh okay then

   We walked into the other rooms to give the rest of Tanjiro's friends their breakfast while Shinobu stayed behind looking out the door.


   She saw him breathing heavily while swinging his sword. She didn't want to worry but she couldn't help it. She needed to tell Tanjiro to knock some sense into his partner or else something will happen and no one will be prepared for it. She walked towards Tanjiro's room opening the door slowly and saw him sleeping peacefully. She saw Nezuko's sleeping body on his bedside. She sighed and whispered

Shinobu: He's overworking himself. What will happen if he keeps on doing this. We put our trust in you to help him. Please save him.

  She shed a tear and wiped it away. 

   She grew a brother-sister relationship with Y/N so seeing him like this worried her. It was unlike him to be this way but she understands the pain of seeing a loved one hurt. She walked out in the hallway and slowly slide the door close. She walked to her garden in the back looking at the beautiful butterflies fluttering peacefully with no care in the world. She saw a crow flying to the building.

~Y/N's POV~

   I saw Tanjiro's crow and I ran into the estate and put on my uniform and my haori. It was F/C because my little sister loved that color. 

   I miss her.

   I went towards the crow 

Crow: Caw! Demon sighting in downtown! Head towards the northeast to find a village! Caw!

"I'll be taking Tanjiro's place. Let Kagaya-sama know that he's not feeling well as I will be taking his place"

   The crow nodded and flew towards Kagaya's estate.

I walked towards the entrance and looked back. 

  Stay put Tanji. I'll be back before you know it.

I gave a smile and walked into the forest.

~Timeskip cause I'm not good with action(sorry about that)~


   I haven't seen Y/N for days but Tanjiro's crow filled me in on what happened. He's an idiot I know that for sure. But my worries seem to escalate when I saw a tired Y/N walk into the estate sweaty with blood dripping down his face. He collapsed and I ran towards him.

"Sumi, Kiyo, Naho! Come outside and help me!"

   They ran outside and gasped at the sight. They immediately helped carry Y/N inside and placed him in an empty room, not wanting to worry Tanjiro and the others.

"Call Shinobu and let her know that we need help"

   They all nodded and made their way to Shinobu. I looked back to Y/N in anger and worry.

"Why are you an idiot?"

   I whispered.

   I heard footsteps outside of the door. I opened the door waiting for Shinobu but it wasn't her.

Tanjiro: I heard something and I couldn't help but worry what's going on-

   He gasped and looked behind me. He ran to his side holding his hand with tears in his eyes.

Tanjiro: W-what happened to h-him is he going to be o-okay

"Don't worry he's going to be fine, the girls went to get Shinobu. Now stand up before you ruin your stitches"

Tanjiro: Okay but please save him please I'm begging you

"Of course we will. He'll make it, he's strong. Now go and lay back in bed well take it from here"

Tanjiro: O-okay

   He gave him a last kiss on the forehead and whispered I love you to him. He stood up straight and exit the room. Shinobu came in later one and she started her operation. I left the room praying that he'll be fine.

                                                                                                                                         To be continued...

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