Overprotective Final Part - Tanjiro (bottom) x male reader (Demon Slayer)

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~Third POV~

Y/N's eyes fluttered open from the sun rays hitting his eyes. He raised his hand to cover the sun but he hissed from the pain coming from his sides. He placed his hand on the side of his body and took deep breaths to ease the pain. He heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door and looked towards the door that slid open.

Aoi peeked her head in and was glad that he was awake.

Aoi: Hello you've been asleep for five days. How are you?

Y/N slowly sits up.

Y/N: I'm in a little pain but I'm glad to be alive still. I never thought I would make it

Aoi: You're an idiot

She mumbled

Y/N was surprised what came out of her mouth and he looked up at her.

Y/N: W-what

Aoi: I said you're an idiot! Why would you do that? Going on a mission on your own without letting us know. You could've died and we wouldn't know about that. You worried all of us including Tanjiro. He was devastated when he saw you in that state. Do you think this will make him happy, doing this on your own?

Y/N looked down shamefully, clenching his fist while shaking and frowning at the thought of Tanjiro being disappointed in him. He would never want that so it scared him a little.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I didn't think straight. But what else could I have done? I can't just wake Tanji up and put him on that mission. He's still recovering so I had to take his place. I cant just see him get hurt again, I'm scared to see him get hurt again

Aoi sighs

Aoi: Shinobu is prohibiting you from going on missions for the next few days. You are going to stay here and rest alright. I don't want to see you out of that bed or else...

Y/N sighs and nods.

Aoi: Okay good. And one last thing. Get some food to eat, please. You missed a lot of meals these past few days

Y/N: Okay I will

She nodded and exited the room.

Y/N looked out the window seeing a lot of butterflies fluttering by his window. But two seem to catch his eyes. One green and one F/C were fluttering together away from the others. He smiled wishing it was him and Tanjiro and everyone else, being free from this endless nightmare.

He then heard footsteps again. The door slide open and he saw the triplets walking in with food.

Sumi: Hello Y/N san

Kiyo: We bought food for you

Naho: We hoped that you were hungry so we made this

Y/N smiled at their hospitality.

Y/N: Thank you, girls. I really appreciate it

Their faces brightened up and placed his food onto his lap.

Sumi: We'll be back later to check up on you again

Y/N nodded and they bid their goodbyes. He took a bite and was in heaven. He forgot what it tasted like. He continued to eat his food in peace. He put his empty plate on his nightstand and continue to look outside.

Later on, he heard footsteps again. The door slid open and his eyes widened.

~Y/N's POV~

Anime Male x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now