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'like the stars, we all fall until we are in the right place'

high school classic school. that's where she study.

the school ring rang, indicating that they are in a break as the students gets out from their classrooms and head to whatever they want to go.

alice, quietly standing infront of her locker. puts her things inside of it, not wanting to get distracted from the students who looks like a sardines in the hallway.

"idiots," alice whispered.

as she puts her things in her locker, she suddenly thought of the notebook she has before. she didn't noticed it from her bag while having a chemistry class, and now she was finding it.

multiples curses from her mouth came while finding her favorite and special notebook she has.

she can't lose it, that's too important to her.

and now she looks low morale not finding the notebook she needs.

she tried to find it in her locker, having a thought that she might put it with her books, but no any signs of it.

the only thing she remembers holding it was when she was in the bus. she remembered it putting it on her bag, and she remembered someone yelled at her.

maybe it was the boy who was sitting next to her,

maybe that notebook flew to him.

she slap herself from the moment she knew she got sucked. well yeah, she is, by just her brain reminding her that she should've go back to the boy.

"hell shit," she curses.

there was nothing she can do but to give a damn about what happened. and so she don't waste her free time, puts her bagpack at the back of her and walked through the doorway.

she leaves the school with the frowned in her lips.

alice, a quiet, poetic girl, walks outside their field, taking for a walk.

she don't have friends, she thought that she might be okay if there's no one coming inside to her life. she's not shy nor having an axiety, but being by herself only is a good thing for her.

poets, the only thing she was busying for.

it was her comfort, her thing she always do when she's home beside her chemistry assignments. she's always been good at it. she'll always will be.

she sat down at the bench located at their field. letting the wind hits her natural face. sighing by remembering the notebook she had when she was just a kid.

she played with her bracelets, the multiples bracelets in her wrist, the yellow, blue, red and brown beads. that was her favorite color.

she kept it always even the notebook.

because that was the only thing her parents left to her.

she had no parents, well she had but they died for some reason. she lived in her grandmother anyways.

she just studied at some classic school so that their financial be stable. they're not rich, like todd whose studying at welton academy. she can't afford things todd afford to.

"mother, help me find that notebook," alice whispered onto her mouth, talking no one but her mother.

her knees were sticking together, her arms folding onto the top of her knees, letting a sigh as she hangs her head.

she don't know how to find that notebook.

she doesn't even know that todd will find her.

just to give back the notebook she left.

and something else.


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