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'the thought i have about you must have been the greatest thing i've thought'

"so, how's welton son?"

todd's father, mr. anderson asked. chopping off its asparagus. they were eating together. todd, mother, father, and his brother jeffrey.

"good father," he replied. not looking any of them and just focus on finishing his food.

todd's family are wealthy. they have good and stable life as a family. ofcourse, todd wouldn't be in welton without their richness, and also by his brother, jeffrey who is a popular welton alumni and distinguished scholar before he went to it.

he don't have any problems at that all, but having a high standards in welton makes him shy, nervous and scared. he is too pressured by his parents to do better like his brother.

after he got finish his food, todd immediately got himself in his bedroom. not wanting any noises from their dining room where his family is.

he let out his notebook and a sharp pencil on his bag as he threw it across his study desk.

he walks trough his desk as he sat down. todd chuckled a bit when he noticed the desk set his parents always gifted him whenever his birthday comes. he didn't even receive anything but a desk set.

todd shake's one head, not wanting to think about it as he opened his notebook full of poems made by him ofcourse, but none of them have any single pretty well written poems and so he does try and try until he make a beauty filled with passion, poem.

"i am dreaming of tomorrow, and tomorrow isn't coming..." he says every word that comes into his mouth as he writes it down his notebook.

"i am dreaming of the glory that I didn't really want,"

"dreaming of a new day when the new day is there already"

"running from the battle when it's one that must i fought,"

"and i still asleep,"


a new day ahead, todd is now completely done preparing himself to welton.

well, his parents and his most favorite brother didn't even noticing him going ahead. and so he just kept leave from their house.

his two hands holding his bagpacks's strap, walking like a lonely puppy on a sidewalk where he usually waits for a bus to appear.

bus is the only transportation he likes to ride on. todd may be know how to ride a bike but there's no a great thing to be compare on a bus.

speaking of, a bus stop infront of him as soon as he walked towards to it leading him inside of the bus.

he then walked at the back of the seat where his usually seat is. it is a great feeling when his seat don't usually get steal by someone's man. that was the only thing todd was lucky for.

as soon as he sat on it beside the window, another person came up and suddenly sat next to him like no one is sitting at todd's seat.

todd is flabbergasted on this girl.

this was the girl who sat next to him yesterday.

and yet she still don't see nor feel the atmosphere of todd's. she's was like she doesn't care if somebody's beside her who is straightly looking at her out of confusion.

todd was red.

so was his heart.

the girl who is holding a notebook and a ballpen she was holding yesterday, she then opened it and it was full of words.

todd thought of a poem as he rode some of the words that the girl was writing.

they must be similiar.

todd didn't even viewed the window, the sunrise, the trees and many leaves that falls from its branches, the wind that hits his forehead that made his golden brown hair look messy.

he was just viewing this girl.

he thought that it was wrong, and so he yanks his thoughts of this girl as he removed his eyes off of her.

maybe the girl knew he was looking at her,

or maybe not.

todd thought of himself a psycho that made him chuckled a bit.

the girl looked at him.

he looked at her too.

their blue and green eyes met. the first thing happened between them.

"you're chuckling," the girl said having that gesture on her hands.

"ah, y-yeah..." todd said nervously. he tried to be stable but his anxiety comes in and eats his whole entire body.

the girl smiled a bit as she heard his nervously response.

the bus stops.

and everyone stepped out off the bus.

the girl hurriedly walked towards the exit, as her notebook falls off from her bag, leading it to todd's way.

todd stopped walking as soon as the girl's notebook was infront of his way. he then picked it up.

"h-hey wait!" todd tried to call the girl but she completely vanished and nowhere to be seen.

todd is on the outside of the bus. still, looking for the girl.

todd looked at the notebook he was gripping on.

he thought of finding that girl to return that notebook, and so he'll do it.

"im going to find you,"


bus | todd andersonWhere stories live. Discover now