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This chapter is extremely short due to the fact that the next three chapters are extremely long!

This chapter is extremely short due to the fact that the next three chapters are extremely long!

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"Is this the right house?" Booka squinted his eyes at the small run down brick home

"Yea this is it..Deja sent a picture of her ass standing right in front"Muwop handed his phone over to him so that he could see the picture

Booka displayed a smirk on his face while he removed the gun from his waistband pulling his mask over his face.

Their intention wasn't to kill her. They just wanted to convince her to withdraw from testifying against Von and not take part in legal proceedings.

Before covering his face with his ski mask Muwop made sure to turn off the car engine.He waited for Booka to jump out first and then proceeded to follow him out.

As they moved forward on their path towards the brick house a light had illuminated on the top floor.

Through the window they were able to observe Jasmine strolling by wearing only a sleeveless top and shorts.

Due to their prior acquaintance Deja had with Jasmine she was able take her keys without raising suspicion.This allowed Deja to make copies of the keys for Muwop's benefit.

He reached into the pocket of his pants feeling around until he found the small and shiny silver key.With a swift motion he inserted it into the lock on the door knob and turned it to successfully unlock it.

Muwop and Booka surveyed the living room before splitting up to see if there was anyone else in the house.

With the remote in her hand Jasmine stood in front of her television while she scanned through multiple channels searching for an entertaining show to watch.

Ever since she learned about Von's arrest she had been living in her aunt's house and has not left.

She was aware that the probability of them searching for her in the streets were high.Especially once they find out that she also gave the police a tip about Jayshawn's Murder.

The sound of footsteps which were light could be heard emanating from the distant end of the hallway.

Jasmine halted her movements and held herself still as she placed her face against the closed bedroom door feeling the rapid beating of her heart within her chest.

In a slow and cautious manner she turned the doorknob to carefully open the door.After peering her head out of the room her eyes came across two men wearing masks.

Her eyes grew widely and proceeded to gently close the door as quietly as possible. In a state of panic she frantically searched every inch of her room until eventually coming to the decision that her only option was to hide in the closet.

"Shit" She mumbled as she threw random clothes over her

Hearing the sound of the door knob rattling she reacted by swiftly covering her mouth with her hand in an attempt to remain silent.

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