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sebastian rubbed his aching head as he stood, leaning heavily against one of the columns in the lobby. he blinked repeatedly, trying to clear the spots from his vision.

the man responsible for the bright light that had blinded him stood awkwardly before two smoldering corpses; the spitting woman and the man with sagging skin.

sebastian stared blankly ahead, trying to figure out what happened and why the strange man looked so damn familiar.

klaus chose that moment to waltz into the hotel looking pleased as punch. he paused a few steps in.

"oh man," he groaned. "heavens to betsy." he glanced at sebastian. "what did you do? did viktor go full 'carrie' again?"

allison scoffed. "we didn't do this." her eyes flicked to the stranger.

viktor slowly approached him. "harlan?" he whispered.

the man winced. "don't. don't come near me, please."

klaus put his hands up and tiptoed over to sebastian. "who the hell is creepy grandpa?"

he shrugged and made his way to where diego and allison were staring a few feet away.

"i just want to make sure that you're okay," viktor continued. "you can...you can talk now. it's..."

"i can do a lot of things now."

"that's the kid viktor saved in dallas," diego muttered to klaus, allison and sebastian.

"oh shit," the siblings swore in unison.

holy motherfucking christ.

diego blinked at the teen. "we need to have a serious discussion about your language."

"wait..." klaus pondered. "didn't he get rid of all the kid's mojo when he did all 'that'?" he mimed a seizure for effect.

"guess it didn't stick," allison replied.

"what's he doing here, now?"

"who cares?" diego interjected. "he saved us from the sparrows."

klaus made an 'o' with his mouth. "wow, he did that?" sebastian elbowed him.

the floaty lady- sloane?- had since come to, and looked utterly horrified at the sight of her brother and sister.

luther spoke to her in hushed tones, but sebastian really didn't care enough to listen. that is, until she made a break for it.

"you got a live one, luther!" diego taunted as she ran for the stairs.

"shit- sloane!" the large man yelled, taking off after her. diego was on his heels in an instant, knives in hand.

harlan ran too, in the opposite direction. "harlan, wait!" viktor called.

"hey!" allison stopped him from giving chase.

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