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-------------------------------------------------------------  Pollux was crying, his brother caster had died back there

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  Pollux was crying, his brother caster had died back there.
" there was no special mission from coin. There's only my plan. Everyone that's dead is dead because of me. I lied." Katniss confessed.
" We know." Reina spoke looking at Katniss.
" We all knew." Said Cressida.
" The soldier from 13?" Katniss asked confused.
" They did too. Do you really believe that Jackson thought you had orders from coin? She trusted Boggs and he clearly wanted you to go on." There was silence. Katniss looked at all of them confused.
" I never meant for this to happen. I failed. I.. I killed them. I'm sorry Pollux.." Reina stood up and walked over to pollux and hugged him, she could imagine it. Loosing your brother.
" Glimmer,marvel, mags... Clove, Wiress, rue. What do all those deaths mean? They mean that our lives were never ours." Peeta spoke looking at Katniss. "There was no real life because we didn't have any choice. Our lives belong to snow and our deaths. But if you kill him Katniss... if you end all of this... all those deaths, they mean something." 
" Cinna, Boggs, castor, jackson. They chose this. They chose you."
  Reina examined Finnick's face, He had a large scratch across is eye, and a cut on his arm. She grabbed a cloth and applied pressure too the cut on this arm.
  Finnick chuckled a bit at how focus she had been on him but not looking at the scratches on her.
" What?"
" Nothing Nothing.." He said as he stopped chuckling. He continued smirking at her though. She looked up at his smirk, she then quickly kissed him. Then she smirked.
Finnick slept silently on Reina's lap, she wasn't very tired so she stayed awake most the night.
She watched Gale walk over too Peeta. Odd.
" I should've volunteered to take your place in the first games." Gale said looking at Katniss.
" No you couldn't have. No, she never would have forgiven you. She needed you to be there and take care of her family and you did. She can't loose you. She really loves you." Peeta spoke. How could he be so nice to the guy who said he'd kill him.
" the way she kissed you in the quarter quell. She never kissed me like that."
" no, just a part of the show.."
" No. No, you won her over. You gave up everything for her. Well it's not gonna be a issue much longer, I doubt all three of us are gonna make it out of this. And if we do then... it's her problem who to choose, right?" Reina was simply BAFFLED. He did not just say it was her problem, oh how she wished Gale would've died in the sewers.
" I do know that Katniss will pick whoever she can't survive without." Gale finished. Then loud shot were heard from above. Finnick popped up from Reina's lap.
" Mortar shells." Gale acknowledged
" it's not ours.." Finnick added
" Peacekeepers must be shellin' the rebels outside the city." Gale finished.
" That's not outside the city.." Reina spoke noticing the sounds seemed to be coming from near.
Reina hummed to herself, a song her mom used to sing to her.
" Your mom sung that. " Finnick spoke turning to look at Reina.
" yea.." she answered sighing. " Would she be proud of me if she were still here?"
" of course she would Rei, your-"
" Suns coming up. There's small arms fire. Could he pay lot, maybe Lyme. Rebels are close." Gale interrupted.
" This is it." Cressida spoke quietly. Then a alarm sound came from a screen uh the room. Shortly after Snow appeared on the screen.
" To all Capitol citizens more than a half mile outside the city circle, I'm announcing a mandatory evacuation. Come to the mansion. I am promising You shelter and sanctuary. All refugees, come to my home. There you will be provided with food, medicine and safety for your children. You have my solemn oath to protect you until my dying breath."
" Wish he'd hurry up with that last part." Finnick joked.
" Our Enemy is not like us. They do not share our values. They have never known our comfort and our sophistication. And they despise us for it. Make no mistake. They are not coming to liberate us. They are coming to destroy our way of life. They are coming to bury us."
" Is he still in the mansion?" Katniss asked, " Reina, Peeta?"
" Yea." Is all Reina said.
" I recognize that room." Peeta finished.
" where's that?" Katniss said pulling out a map.
" about five blocks away." Cressida answered.
" we're right here, off the avenues. Mansions here."
" What about the pods?"
" They'll probably deactivate the pods areoynf here for the residents safety."
" That could work, I could get close enough."
" Every peacekeepers gonna be waiting." Finnick acknowledged.
" Next to our faces on every billboard." Reina said.
" Snows offering shelter to all the refugees. "


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