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--------------------------------------------------------------  Reina woke up too see needles in her skin, she had totally forgotten she was in the Capitol

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  Reina woke up too see needles in her skin, she had totally forgotten she was in the Capitol. The girl wished she hadn't woken up from the dream. Her Thirteenth birthday, the day before the reaping. The day before her whole world crashed and burned.
" Oh great your awake. I guess we can start your session now." A female doctor said while walking into the room.
" Session?" Reina questioned, but the lady didn't answer. She turned on a video from some sort of projector behind the girl. It showed a video of Reina throwing a knife into Finnick's chest.
" No! I didn't kill him. I killed someone else." Although, Reina couldn't Remember who she killed. She didn't Remember at all. The doctor injected her with a needle, some kind of venom maybe? Reina scream,
" I DIDNT DO IT." Over and over again. She shut her eyes and kept yelling, she just wanted to go home, how it used to be. She just wanted to be happy Again. Her throat got sore from all the screaming, so she sat there with her eyes shut, trying to shut everything around her out.
  Finnick sat on his hospital bed, tying Knots. It was the only thing too keep him calm, other then Reina. Slight tears came out of his eyes thinking about the girl. He wished he could hold her in his arms, make her feel safe.. but he couldn't.
  Katniss walked into his room and looked at him.
" Finnick." She said in a cracky Voice.
" I wanted to go back for peeta and johanna..But I-I couldn't move." He paused. " they have Reina too.. she uh.." he sniffed. " she's in the Capitol." He tried not too cry, but his eyes watered talking about the one person he had left.
" I wish she was dead. I wish they were all dead and we were too." He ended. Katniss walked out of the room, without saying anything back. Finnick went back to tying knots.
  The 'sessions' went on for a few days,although it felt like a lifetime. Finally she was called too do one more interview. The put her in a blue dress, but didn't bother too put on makeup. She was a lot skinnier then before, that's from her refusing too eat.
  She was escorted too the same room as the first time and sat in the chair.
" hello ladies and gentlemen, today we have met once again with Reina winters too see her full perspective on the rebellion. Ms Winters how Do you feel about this rebellion?" Cesar flickermen asked the girl.
" I feel worried, for them, for the people I've known for years. This is a battle they cannot win." She said, she didn't want too but she knew what would happen if she didn't. " I think they should put down their weapons, and think about what they are doing."
" are you calling for a cease fire?" He asked her. She shook her head up and down.
" That's exactly what I'm saying. Think about the lives or innocent people in danger, and how much danger your putting yourselves in." She said as the camera stayed on her. It then turned too Cesar,
" Thank you Reina for joining us today." The video cut.
  Finnick sat in the cafeteria,across from Katniss and next too Mags. The screens turned too a different channel, this caused the whole cafeteria too look at the screens. The first video was of peeta, then the next broke his heart. It was Reina, she looked like she hadn't eaten in days. She had a huge bruise on her eye also, that they didn't even try to hide.
  Katniss looked over at Finnick staring at the screen no, she had already had tears in her eyes but seeing a close friend also have tears in his eyes hurt her worse. Especially since it was Finnick, he was one of the strongest people she knew.
" Cowards." Gale called them, Katniss stood up for them though. She didn't need Finnick too help, she did it all on her own. Finnick went back too his room and cried. He missed her,he missed her touch,her blue eyes, the way she always looked at him when she thought he didn't know. He missed everything about her.. He eventually cried himself to sleep.
  Reina laid on her bed. She knew if she acted like she thought he died, they would stop the 'Sessions'. Which worked, She only watched the video once every other day. She hoped Finnick and Coyro were okay, she slowly fell into sleep thinking of them.


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