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--------------------------------------------------------------  Reina walked down too a training center that the base had in it

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  Reina walked down too a training center that the base had in it. Upon entering she realized it was empty, she went for her throwing knives and started throwing. The first 2 she missed, she huffed in annoyance.
" You haven't thrown since the games. You wont be perfect." Someone said walking in. She turned her head too see who it was, it was Coyro.
" What are you doing here?" She asked her brother.
" Finnick has been training me with a trident since you left. I've gotten pretty good with one." He said walking over and picking up a trident. He walked over too the throwing station and threw the trident, it hit the dummie right in the heart.
" Good too know you can protect yourself." She said smiling at him. He smiled back at her,
" If you want too go out and fight you might want to practice with a fire arm though. " he said walking out of the room as another person walking in.
" He's not wrong, but your not fighting out there. Can't let you." He said walking closer too her.
" Finnick, I'm fully capable of protecting myself." She said turning too him. She hadn't noticed how close he was until then.
" Because I can't let you risk your life. I lost you once I can't loose you again."
" At least teach me how to use it." She said.
" fine, just in case."
" just incase" she said smirking at him. Finnick walked over and picked up a assault rifle.
" Hold it like This." He said showing her how to hold it. Then handing it too her. She didnt hold it quite right so he stood behind her and held onto the weapon with her.
" Shoot." He whispered in her ear. She presses her finger against the trigger and it hits the dumbie perfectly in the head. She turned too the taller blonde as he smirked at her. He nodded too the dummies before walking a bit away from Reina.
  She brings the gun back up and positions her hands. She shoots and once again hits the dumbie perfectly. She turned to the guy and smirked,
" You sure this is your first time?" He asked the girl chuckling. She giggled at the comment,
" I'm sure, although I like my knives better." She replied. He smiled at her, The same sweet smile he gave her the first day the two had met. If she could go back to that day and relive it she wouldn't change anything about it.
"Hungry? Lunch is soon." He asked her,
" Not really. I think I'm gonna practice more, you go eat tho." She said smiling at him. Before walking out he walked over too her and kissed her forehead.
" See you later hun." He said grinning at her then walking out. He had never called her a nickname other then Rei. Her face turned red, but she quickly snapped out of it. She shot a few more bullets then switch back too her knives.
  She was better with the knives anyways.


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