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-------------------------------------------------------------- " will you stop, I'm fine

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" will you stop, I'm fine." She said pushing the doctors off of her. She looked to see Katniss standing in front of Johanna's bed, if Katniss is here then that means..
" Finnick! Finnick!" She yelled getting up from her bed.
" Reina?" He heard her voice yelling for him as he looked around. " Reina!" He saw her.. Reina ran towards the man and jump into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her chin on his shoulder. He buried his face in her neck,
" your safe. Your safe." He reassured himself that it was actually her.
  They missed eachothers touch, eachothers warmth, eachothers voice.
" I missed you so much." She whispered to him.
" I missed you more Rei." He whispered back. The two both had tears in their eyes, this was all they wanted in that moment. To be in each others arms. The door opened slightly and a young boy walked through the doors. Finnick saw the boy and lowered Reina onto the ground.
" I bealive I'm not the only one who missed you." He whispered. Reina turned around and saw her little brother standing there, smiling with tears in his eyes. She covered her mouth with a gasp and all those tears fell .
" Coyro?" She said her voice cracking. She ran over too him and picked him up in a hug. The two cried, Reina hadn't seen him since the reaping.
  " Reina, we need to make sure your heath is in the right shape." Reina turned around too the doctor and shook her head.
" Let's go coyro, it's getting late and you need to go to bed." Finnick said turning too young boy. The boy shook his head and then looked over at his sister.
" Goodnight sis, I'll see you tomorrow" he said smiling at her.
" Goodnight Coy." She said smiling back at him with a wave. The boy started walking out of the room and Reina walked over too Finnick. She stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek.
" Goodnight Finn, see you tomorrow." She said smiling brightly at the older male. He smirked and replied too her.
" Goodnight Rei." He said walking out of the doors with Coyro.
Reina walked over too her hospital bed once more and sat down. This time allowing the doctor too run tests on her. Suddenly she heard banging coming from a room near her. ' what's going on?' She thought too herself. The girl brushed it off and let the doctor continue examining her.
After the doctor finished they led her too her room, where she laid down. A knock came from her door then it opened.
" Hope you don't mind a late night visitor" Finnick said walking over too her.
" hmm" she hummed as she stood up from her bed. As soon as she got close she wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into his arms.
" Tired?" He asked her, wrapping his arms around her.
" mhm.." she moaned after yawning. Finnick chuckled a bit the picked her up and set her onto her bed. He laid down next too here and she laid her head on his chest. The two both fell asleep relieved they were together again.
She peaked out from behind her mothers leg, her mother was talking to another women who she didn't recognize. Holding the hand of that women was a boy, he was obviously older then her. The boy noticed her and waved,
" Do you wanna go play with eachother?" Her mother asked. The boy shook his head yes, " go play honey." Her mother said slightly pushing the girl off of her. The boy took her hand and led her too the playground.
" My names Finnick Odair! Im 10 years old!" He said with a smile.
" ... Reina Winters.. im 7.." She said quietly.
" nice too meet you Reina!" He said joking out his hand for her too shake. She took his hand and shook it up and down. " Wanna swing?" He asked her. Her face lit up and shook her head yes. He took her hand and walked over too the swings. She sat in the swing and he started pushing her.
" WOOSH!" Are the sound affects he would make with every push. This made the girl giggle, she had never laughed so much. He made her happy, after this day they would be attached at the hip.


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