{ NINE }

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--------------------------------------------------------------  Reina's eyes jolted open

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  Reina's eyes jolted open. Katniss had been screaming something.
" THE FOG. ITS POSINOUS WAKE UP." She yelled. Reina looked to her side and saw the fog that Katniss had been talking about.She immediately stood up with the others, they took off running.
  Everytime the fog hit her skin she let out a cry of hurt. She began seeing bumps forming on her skin, they were one of the most painful things she's felt since her games. Peeta had tripped and fallen down, he was too weak too stand back up and Katniss was to weak to carry him. Finnick and Reina ran too them as fast as they could, every move sent a sharp pain through Reina's body.
" I can't carry him" Katniss explained. Katniss put one of peetas arms around her neck and one wrapped around Finnick's.
" GUYS WE GOTTA GO." Reina yelled noticing the fog growing closer to the group. They quickly picked up peeta and tan as fast as they could with peeta.
  Suddenly, they all tripped and fell down a large hill. None of them could get up, they were all in to much pain. Reina opened her eyes a bit and stared up at the sky.
" The water! It helps." Katniss said alerting the others. Reina pulled herself with the energy she had left to the small pond. She yelped as her skin touched the water, it stung but the warts slowly disappeared. Reina slowly regained her strength and stood up to walk over to finnick.
" a little help please?" She spoke too peeta and Katniss. Peeta walked over and grabbed one arm as Reina grabbed another. As Finnick's body touched the water he screamed in pain, Reina held his hand trying to get him to calm down a bit.
" We need our weapons." Katniss said too peeta. The blonde walked away too go get everyone's weapons that they had dropped while falling.
  Reina sat down in the water, she rubbed water on her neck getting rid of the tiny bumps that hadn't gone away yet.
" Here." Peeta said handing Reina the belt with throwing knives on it. She took it and buckled it around her waist.
" Thanks.." She said quietly. She looked over a finnick, he looked stressed. But still looked perfect, he always looked perfect. Reina stared at the boy way too long, he look over at her and smirk at her. Finnick stood up and went to sit next to the girl.
" You were staring.." he said in a teasing tone.
" No I was not." Reina said in a stern tone. Finnick just smirked at her, he was right and they both knew it. Reina laid her head on Finnick's shoulder and closed her eyes.
Suddenly Finnick shoot her a bit too wake the girl up, Finnick slowly stood up with Katniss looking around. Reina noticed and looked around while slowly standing up.
" Mutts.." she whispered under her breath. Katniss drew her bow and Finnick picked up his trident. Reina pulled out a knife from her belt ready too throw if one attacked.
" Peeta.."
" Yea?" He said turning to Katniss.
" walk over here slowly." She said. Peeta turned his head back to were he was just looking and was met with a mutt staring back at him. It growled in his face. He slowly backed away from it.
  The group was now back to back looking around as more mutts formed around them.
" we need to get to the beac-" The mutts covered the only opening too the beach. Suddenly a mutt went to jump onto Katniss and Peeta stabbed it. Suddenly they all started attacking, Reina threw knives at  the mutts trying too hold them off. One suddenly jumped onto Katniss and pushed her under water. Reina threw a knife into its head and Peeta pulled Katniss out of the water. The group started running towards the shore, suddenly a mutt jumped onto Reina and pinned her onto the ground.
" REINA." Finnick yelled throwing his spear through the mutts heart. He helped the girl up and continued fight off the mutts with her. Katniss and Peeta started carrying a body down to the beach. Finnick and Reina Followed the two down to the beach. They tumbled onto the beach and held their weapons too the mutts,only, they didn't come any closer. Like they were stuck there.
  Reina turned and saw Peeta comforting a morphling who had jumped in front of him. She was dying. Soon enough the mutts backed down into the jungle. Reina went and sat on the beach, the water rushing up too her waist. It was relaxing too her, it reminded her of the many times she had sat on the beach in her childhood. Someone sat next to her, she didn't have too guess who it was.
" Reminds me of home. All those days we sat in the beach watching the sunset." Finnick thought of the times they collected sea shells and how they would sit on the beach for hours. Before they were both reaped, before it all.
  Reina smiled,she wished she could go back too those times. She was a lot happier back then, nothing bothered her at all.
As it got later Finnick caught some fish with his trident for the group too eat. Reina say next too Finnick and ate the fish he had given her. Peeta cut open a clam and found a pearl.
" Here. For you." He said giving it to Katniss. It was a token of his love for her, yet she probably didn't know that. While watching them Reina laid her head in Finnick's shoulder, She loved finnick a lot but she didn't want him to see that.
Suddenly a scream came from the distance, and the trees started rustling.
" That's new." Peeta acknowledged as the group stood up. Suddenly a huge wave came towards them but crashed up against a invisible wall. The water brushed by our ankles as a plane picked up a body from in the jungle.
"Someone's here." Katniss said drawing her bow, Reina looked around at who she was talking about.
" Johanna." She said starting to run towards the other group. Finnick took off after her,
" JOHANNA!" He yelled at the girl.


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