{ TEN }

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--------------------------------------------------------------  Finnick took of towards Johanna

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  Finnick took of towards Johanna.
" Johanna!" Reina yelled chasing after Finnick. Reina hugged Johanna.
" Still not much of a hugger eh?" Johanna said hugging her back. " Wonder if a special someone changed that.." She teased the other.
Finnick's face turned a bit red, he wasn't a shy person. Johanna just knew how talking about him and Reina made him.
" What happened?" Reina asked noticing she was covered in..blood?
" we were all the way in the jungle where I thought it would be safe. Then the rain started, I thought it water turns out too be blood. Hot. Thick. Blood. It was coming down and it was choking us. We were stumbling around gagging on it blind." The whole time Johanna was speaking wiress kept saying 'Ticktock'
" That's when blight hit the force field.. he wasn't much but he was from home."  Johanna Finished.
" What's wrong with her?" Katniss asked talking about Wiress.
" She's in shock. Dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?" Beetee replied.
" We can get some." Katniss explained. Johanna said something too Wiress and pushed her too the ground.
" Hey! Stop it!" Katniss said slightly lunging at Johanna. Finnick got a hold of Johanna and pulled her away.
" I got them out for you! " oh no. Johanna just almost revealed to Katniss the whole plan.
" for me? What does that mean?" She said looking and Peeta and Reina. Reina shook her head, pretending she didn't know. Katniss then took Wiress into the water too clean her up.
  Reina sat down halfway in the water, she thought about coyro. She hoped he was okay, without Her or Finnick being there for him worried the girl.
" Thinking about coyro?" Finnick asked sitting next to her. She shook her head up and down.
" He's okay. I promise. He's staying with Mags and Annie." Reina sighed in relief, she was relieved too know Coyro was okay. She laid her head on Finnick's shoulder. A hand grabbed onto hers and their fingers intertwined.
  Maybe an hour later they started making their way too the cornucopia.
" This whole arena seems to be laid out like a clock. with a new threat every hour,but they stay only within their wedge." Katniss explained, " It all starts with the lightning. Then the blood rain,fog, monkeys. That's the first four hours. At Ten that big wave hits from over there." She continued.
  When Finnick walked past Wiress he complimented her.
" Wiress, your a genius." He told her. Peeta pointed at the cornucopia's tail and spoke.
" Look, the tail points at 12." He pointed out to us. The group entered the cornucopia peeta drew out a diagram of the arena. Reina stood next too Finnick and held his hand. The two looked at each other and smiled.
Suddenly a gasp came from where Wiress was. Everyone turned to see Gloss stabbing Wiress in the neck. Katniss drew her bow and shot Gloss into the water. Suddenly from behind Reina, Cashmere ran up behind her. Johanna moved Reina out of the way and threw her axe into cashmere's chest. Reina turned to see Finnick fighting with Brutus, Enobaria came out and Took Brutus out of there. The two ran off the cornucopia and too shore. Out of no where the cornucopia started spinning. Reina fell and held onto the rocks as tight as she could. Her grip started slipping, until it stopped spinning.
She stood up and ran towards Finnick. Both were realized the other was okay, the group walked over to where Katniss came out of the water.
" We need to get what we need and get off this bloody island." Johanna said. So they did exactly that.


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