Skateboard Lessons

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Edric's POV

     Today is the second day of vacation, and Hunter and I decided to get up early so that we could have kind of a breakfast date this morning. As of now im currently waiting for Hunter to get out of the shower so that we can make our way downstairs to the breakfast buffet. "Ok, im ready." Ed said as he walked out of the bathroom and into the main part of our room, "Ok great, lets go im starving." Hunter laughed and rolled his eyes at me as we were leaving the room.

When we got downstairs, we made our way up to the cashire and payed for our meals, we then went on and started filling our plates up with whatever we wanted before finally going back to our table to sit down and eat. "What did you want to do today?" "Im not sure, mabey we should check with your dad and Darius first, just to make sure they didnt have any plans for the family today." I nodded my head while taking a bite of my eggs. 

"Ok, after we eat we can head back up to the room to find them." Hunter took a sip of his juice before looking out the window, "What is that?" I looked out the window and saw some kids outside riding a skateboard, "You mean the thing that those kids are on?" He nodded his head while taking another bite of his pancakes. "That's a skateboard. Do you not know what a skateboard is?" 

"No, like I said before, He didn't really let me do normal teenage things in the castle, so no I don't know what those are." I smiled and said, "Well, I think that I know what were doing today then." He looked up at me with a confused look on his face, "What are you up to?" "Nothing, im just going to show you how to ride a skateboard today." Hunter slightly smiled, but you could also tell that he was nervous. 

After we were done with breakfast, we left a tip for the waitress and then went back upstairs to see what dad and Darius had planned for today. We made it to their room and I knocked on the door, as soon as the door opened my dad said, "Hi boys, what are you two doing up so early?" "We got up early to have a breakfast date at the buffet today." My dad nodded and smiled while inviting us inside. 

"So, we came to ask if you had any plans for us today?" Darius looked at us and said, "Not right now, but later in the afternoon we were thinking that all of us could go to lunch together and then we could go on a tour of the city?" "Ok, sounds good. Now if you need us, we will be at the nearest park where I will be teaching Hunter how to skateboard." Alador nodded and Darius yelled out, "MAKE SURE HE DOESNT BREAK ANYTHING EDRIC.!" As we were making our way out the door. 

Once we had made it to a shop where they sold skate supplies, I purchased two skateboards and some helmets of course so that Darius wasnt worried about Hunter falling and breaking something. We had everything we needed and now we were on our way to the park. When we got to the park, Hunter put on his helmet and knee pads and we got started learning how to ride a skateboard. "Ok, so what your going to do is your going to put one foot on the board and with the other foot your going to push off the ground." Hunter put one foot onto the board while holding onto my hand, "Yea, just like that, now push off of the ground with the other foot." 

{Time Skip, because I honestly never learned how to ride a skateboard so I really shouldn't be writing about this lol.}

After about 3 hours, Hunter finally started getting the hang of it, was he the best at it? No, but neither was I so it was fine. By the time we were done with our little skateboarding lesson it was time to head back to the hotel for lunch with dad and Darius. "You did great today." Hunter laughed and said, "Really, but I fell like 5 times." "Yea, but that's all part of the learning process." He smiled and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Ok, now lets get back to the hotel so that Emira can heal that cut on your knee, which I still don't get how you got since you were wearing your kneepads." 

We made it back to the hotel before we had to leave for lunch, so we made our way over to Em and Amity's room to see if Em could heal Hunter's wound, I knocked on the door to the girls room and when Em opened the door she smiled and said, "Hey, where have you guy's been? Dad said you went out to the park?" I smiled and said, "Yea, I was teaching Hunter how to ride a skateboard. As you can see it went great, but he did get a few scrapes that I need you to heal for him before Darius gets worried." She laughed and invited us into the room.

Hunter sat down on one of the chairs by the table and he lifted up his pant leg to show a few scrapes on his leg and knee. Em kneeled down in front of him and started healing the cuts. Just then Amity walked out of the bathroom holding her brush in one hand and hair tie in the other, "Hey, what happened?" "I was teaching Hunter how to ride a skateboard, and he got a few scrapes, Em's helping heal his wounds." She nodded her head and then went to sit on her bed so that she could finish her hair.

After Hunter was done having his scrapes healed, we both left to our room to get ready for lunch.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, um little update on how my grandma is doing, she did break her wrist when she fell and is still not able to move to much during her physical therapy in the hospital so as of now, she will be doing rehab to get stronger and to be able to come home soon. Other than that, she is thriving, and my mom is bringing her snacks and the nurses are serving her all the snacks she wants so she is happy lol. As always thank you for reading and thank you for 25.5k reads, 1.4k likes and over 500 comments on this story, I appreciate it so much, thank you.

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