I Have A Plan

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Hunter's POV

     I was locked in my room, again for the fourth day now. Belos doesnt trust me going out on my own, because he thinks that im going to see Edric. I wish I could see Edric, it hurt me a lot when I broke up with him. I didn't want to, but it was for his own safety im not sure what Belos would have done to him if he ever came to the castle.

I was about to sit down at my desk to do my homework that Willow had dropped off earlier in the day, when I heard a thump at my window. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains and saw that Edric was floating on his staff outside the window, Edric did some spell that made the glass and bars disappear from the window, "Edric, what are you doing here?" He hopped off of his staff and into my room.

"What? No hug for your bo- I mean friend?" "You can't be here!" Edric looked kind of hurt when I said that, but I just brushed it off and then said "I'm, sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt and if Belos finds you here, who knows what he might do." He looked at me and smiled, "Well, just so you know, it would all be worth it if it meant that I got to be with you." I lunged forward and hugged him, then I kissed him.

When we pulled apart, I looked at him and smiled, "I missed you, and I want to get out of here and I don't care what I have to do, if I have to hide I will, as long as im away from that monster." Edric smiled and kissed my forehead, "Well, that's why im here. I've came up with a plan that all of our friends, including Eda and Raine are helping me with. We're going to get you out of here and then you won't ever have to deal with him ever again." I nodded and then told him to tell me the plan.

After Edric explained the plan to me, I could hear a knock at the door and then Kikimora's voice on the other side. "Golden guard, your dinner is ready." I quickly kissed Edric goodbye and ushered him out of the window on his staff, as he did magic to put the bars and glass back on the window, I closed the curtain just as Kikamora made her way into my room with a tray. "Here, eat." She tossed the tray onto my desk and then left without another word, she then locked the door once again and I turned back to the window and opened the curtain once again to see Edric flying off, he turned around and smiled at me before making his way home.

{The Next Morning}

Edric's POV

     I came downstairs to see Amity and Emira already eating breakfast, so I sat down next to Emira, "Hey." Emira said while smiling at me, "Hey, what's up?" "I just wanted to ask if you were ok, I mean I know you went to visit Hunter last night. How did that go?" I smiled and said, "It went good, he's on bored with the plan, he said he wants to get out of there as soon as he can." Emira smiled at me, and Amity lifted her head to look at me and said, "Don't worry Ed, were going to get him out of there, I promise." I smiled back and then pulled out my phone to make sure everyone was still on bored with the plan for tonight.

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