Belos Knows

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Authors Note: TRIGGER WARNING, there will be mention of abuse in this chapter I'll let you know when it starts and ends so you can skip if you want.

Hunter's POV

     I walked up the castle steps and was about to walk in when one of the guards stopped me, "Hey, kid the emperor wants to see you right away." I nodded my head and continued walking in. I reached the doors of my uncle's room and walked in. "Uncle, you wanted to see me?" I shut the door behind me and saw Kikimora standing next to him, and she had smirk like she knew something I didn't, which made me feel a bit wary about being here.

"Yes, Kikimora will you give us a moment?" "Yes sir." She then walked out of the room, and I looked at my uncle wondering what it was he wanted to talk about. "Come here." I walked closer to him and then he said, "Would you like to tell me anything?" "Like what?" He stood up and came down the steps of where his throne was and looked at me, "Like, how you've been dating the Blight boy?" I tensed up but tried showing no emotion in fear of what he might do.

"I haven't been dating anyone, especially the Blight boy." I know its rude, but I have to convince him that I don't like Edric like that. {This is where the abuse starts so if you would like to skip, please go all the way down to where I say it's over] "THEN WHY DOES KIKIMORA HAVE A PICTURE OF THE TWO OF YOU KISSING!?" I flinched slightly at the way he was yelling. "I-" I felt his hand go across my face and I could feel blood starting to seep out of my nose.

I just stood there staring off to the side until I felt him pull my face towards him. My heart was beating a hundred miles per minute, it always did when this happened. He then slapped me again but this time I ended up on the floor. He walked away so I tried getting back up, but when I did, I felt something sharp hit the side of my face and then I heard the item hitting the ground and shattering. I rose my hand to touch my cheek and when I took it away, I saw blood.

I blinked the tears away and then heard him say "GO TO YOUR ROOM AND STAY THERE TILL I SAY SO! AND IF YOU THINK YOUR GOING TO SEE THE BLIGHT BOY AGAIN, THINK AGAIN!" I ran as fast as I could out of the room and up to my own. I shut the door once I was inside and locked the door. I walked over to my desk where Flapjack was sitting, and I reached up onto my shelf where I kept all of my medical supplies for times like this.


I cleaned up the cut on my face and then bandaged it, I then cleaned up my nose. After I was done, I put all my stuff back up on the shelf and collapsed onto my bed where Flapjack then came to sit next to my head. "Flapjack, what am I going to do now? I'm stuck here for who knows how long. Oh and Edric, I can't see Edric now." Just then my scroll had buzzed in my pocket, I took it out and checked what it was, it was Edric. The message said 'Hey, did you get home ok?' I started typing out a reply.

[Text convo]

Edric: Hey, did you get home ok?

Hunter: Uh, yea.

Edric: Is everything ok? Did something happen?

Hunter: No, im fine.

Edric: I'm calling you right now, answer,

I sighed as I heard my crystal ball ringing, I ignored it and sent another reply instead

Hunter: I can't right now.

Edric: Why? Did he do something to you?

Hunter: Who?

I knew who he was talking about, but I didn't want to worry him.

Edric: You know damn well who im talking about Hunter!

Instead of fighting with him over text I grabbed my crystal ball and called him, he answered within a second and I just had it facing Flapjack instead of me.

"Hunter? Where are you? Are you ok?" I sighed again and said, "I'm fine, I just don't want you to see me right now." "Turn this thing around and show me your face." I flipped the ball around and had it facing me again. "I knew it. What did he do this time?" "I don't want to talk about it Edric." Edric's face softened and he said "Ok, im sorry. I just hate that he does this to you, and I can't do anything about it." I smiled softly because it felt nice to know how much he cares about me.

"I know you do. I wish you could do something about it, but for now im stuck for the next two years." Edric smiled and said "When you and I turn 18, were running away and living together, and I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise." It sounds great, but how do I know if him and I will be together still by then, with how Belos is, or if I'll still be here. I smiled and said, "That sounds amazing, I would love that." Edric smiled, then I could hear his mother yelling in the background for him to come down for dinner. "I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow?" 

I said "Yea, I'll see you tomorrow." He then blew a kiss at the camera and said "I love you. Bye" I replied with "I love you too." He then ended the call and I put the crystal ball back on my desk and then laid down and tried to fall asleep.

[Authors Note: Thank you for reading. What do you think is going to happen next? Is Hunter going to see Edric again or is Belos going to keep him prisoner for ever? I don't even know, because I haven't written it yet lol. Anyways have a good morning, day, or Night.}

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora