First Date

702 29 7

Edric's POV

Emira and I were on our way back to the Owl House so that I could explain to Hunter why I left so abruptly, I wasn't going to go back but Emira convinced me to at least go and check on Hunter. As we were walking I stopped in my tracks and turned to Emira, "What do I say when he asks why I left?" Emira stopped and looked at me, "Just tell him the truth, that you were afraid of what our mother would do if she ever found out." I sighed as we started walking again.

When we got back to the Owl House I saw Hunter sitting on a bench outside of the house, so i walked up to him as Emira walked back into the house, "H-hey Hunter." Hunter looked up at me and got up to hug me, "Edric. Where did you go?" We separated from the hug and then we both sat down on the bench, "I was scared about what my mom would do if she ever found out about us. So I ran off, I really am sorry." He looked at me and just smiled "It's fine, and Amity agreed to help us out with you know sneaking around your mom.

I smiled, "Well, that was nice of her." "Edric, I have to tell you something." I grabbed his hand and smiled as he continued to speak, "Well, you know that photo of us that your mom was sent? Well, Kikimora was the one who sent it to her and she said that if I continued to ignore my duties to see you, then she would show Belos." My smile faded when I heard that Kikimora was the one who had sent my mom that photo, what did she have to gain by doing this to Hunter?

"She cant do that to you. Can she?" "Well, the truth is that she can do what she what she wants, and I cant stop her." He looked so defeated as he talked about his situation with Kikimora, "Mabey we should stop talking about all of this and instead talk about what we want to do on our first official date tonight." Hunter's face brightened and he started smiling. "Of course, what did you have in mind?"

I smiled and said "Well, I was thinking that we could have a nice dinner here at the Owl House and then mabey play some video games?" Hunter laughed and said "Sure, that sounds great." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we sat there for a while more just talking.

{Later that night}

Hunter's POV

I walked up to the Owl House at around 6pm, Edric had told me to go for a walk while he set up everything. I was really excited to finally have our first date, even though we have to have it in secret but its worth it to be with Edric. I walked up to the door and knocked on it, Eda answered the door with a smile "Hey kid, come in Edric is still setting up in the kitchen but he should be done in a couple of Minutes, why don't you have a seat on the couch." I took a seat in the living room and waited till Edric was done setting up our dinner.

Once Edric had gotten done setting up, king came out of the hallway wearing a little buttlers uniform, it was actually really cute on him. "DINNER IS READY!" I covered my ears because he was being a bit too loud, "Ok, King, I think he heard you, I think all of the Boiling Iles heard you." King said something that I couldn't hear under his breath while walking back into the hallway. I stood up and looked at Edric, he looked really handsome in his golden yellow suite that complimented his eyes.

"Hey, you look great." He blushed and then said "You look pretty good yourself." I smiled and could feel my cheeks getting warm. Edric held out his hand for me to take, so I did and then he lead me into the kitchen where a table and chairs were set up for us. Edric pulled the chair out for me and I took a seat, and then Edric took his seat across from me. "I hope you like spaghetti because its kinda the only thing I know how to make." I laughed while King brought us two plates of spaghetti with a pitcher of apples blood, "I hope you also don't mind that apples blood was the only thing they had to drink since its Eda's favorite."

I smiled and said "It's fine, I love spaghetti, and apples blood." He laughed and said "That's good then." We both started eating and talking about random stuff like how I had started learning illusions and then Edric had offered to teach me more about illusions since that was the track that he was in at school.

After we finished eating we decided that instead of playing video games we would watch a movie in the living room since Eda and Raine had taken Luz and king to get some Ice Scream {There version of Ice cream}. We settled onto the couch after choosing a movie on Luz's phone I think that's what its called, Edric insisted that we watch the first Harry Potter movie, it was something that Luz had showed him and he loved it instantly so that's what we were watching.

After the movie was over I was snuggled up to Edric with a blanket over us since it was kinda chilly, "Ok, so what did you think?" "I liked it, I mean it was kind of odd how they casted there spells but it was still a good movie." I smiled up at him as I reached my head up to give him a kiss, "So, what exactly does your uncle think your doing right now?" Right, uncle, yea I was technically supposed to be back about a half an hour ago but I really wanted to go on this date with Edric, what ever Belos is gonna do to me when I get back will all be worth it if it means I get to be with my boyfriend.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. As long as I'm with you nothing else matters." I laid my head back onto Edric's shoulder and slowly fell asleep forgetting about any of the responsibilities that I had and what was to come when I got back to the castle, because I mean it when I say nothing else matters as long as I'm with Edric.

Authors Note: Sorry for the late night update, I've been busy the past few days and finally had time to upload, anyways thank you so much for over 900 reads, that's crazy, I really appreciate it. Also I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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