New Year's Eve Pt, 1

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Hunter's POV

      I was sitting in the living room, when Edric bursted into the room yelling about some party that Jerbo was throwing tomorrow night for New Years, "Ok, first off calm down and stop yelling, second of all, you said Jerbo's having a party?" He smiled and sat down on the couch next to me, "Yea, he said that his parents are going to some New Years Eve party on the other side of town and wont be home till the next day, so he decided to have a party of his own." I laughed and said, "Cool, so what time is it?' "It starts at 9pm."

My smile dropped as I thought about one thing, "What are we supposed to do about your dad and Darius?" "Oh, don't worry about them, there actually going to the same party as Jerbo's parents, and I checked and there also not coming home till the next day, so we should be good." I smiled and said, "Ok, did you tell Em and Amity?" He nodded his head and then I went back to watching tv while he went into the kitchen to get some snacks for us.

{The Next Day}

Edric's POV

   It was around 7pm when Darius and my dad where getting ready to leave for the New Year's Eve party, and we were all anticipating the moment they left, because that meant that we could finally get ready for the party we were going to. At last around 7:40 they finally got in the car and took off, and as we watched them go, we also were slowly retreating from the door to get dressed.

Once we were all ready at around 8:40, it was time to go pick up Luz and King. When we finally got to The Owl House, Amity knocked on the door and Raine opened it up, Hooty must of been in another part of the house at the moment. "Hey, kids. Luz and King are just finishing up getting ready, come in." We all walked in just as Luz,King and Eda walked into the living room. "Hey kids." Luz went up to Amity and hugged her, "You look amazing hermosa." Which in return made Amity blush, "Thank you, you look great to." She said.

"Ok, are we ready?" Everyone nodded in response, then I looked at Eda and Raine, and said "No mention of this to Darius or my dad right?" I looked pleadingly at them, and then Eda shook her head and said, "Of course kid, I'm not one to rat on a fellow trouble maker." Then Raine looked at me and they said, "Sure, if Eda's fine with it, I am to." I smiled and said thank you and then we were out the door.

[To be continued tomorrow, because its currently almost 12 am and I'm tired so stay tuned for the rest. As always have an amazing Morning, Afternoon, or Night.

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