Human For The Day

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           Hunter's POV

                   Luz and I were in the kitchen eating breakfast when she looked up from her scroll and said "How about we go into the Human realm today?" I looked at her confused and said "I thought the key was broken, and why would we do that?" She smiled and said "It's fixed now, and why not? I can show you around and we can even go to the mall." I sighed and said "Ok, but we invite Amity and the twins oh and Willow and Gus can come." She smiled and picked up her scroll to probably message everyone about going. "Ok, everyone said yes and Gus is bringing Matt." I smiled and said "Ok, I'm gonna go get ready."

{Meanwhile over at the Blight Manor}

          Edric's POV

                   "MOTHER IVE TOLD YOU BEFORE AND ILL TELL YOU AGAIN, THAT IM NOT GOING OUT WITH HIM!" I screamed at her because for the millionth time she is trying to set me up on another date with a friend of her's son. I really hate that I just cant tell her that I'm dating Hunter. "Come on Edric, you'll love him, he's a sweet boy." I rolled my eyes and said "I'm done talking about this." I then made my way into Emira's room and shut the door. "Whoa, everything ok?" I plopped down on her bed and screamed into the pillow, I looked down at Amity and said "Ill take that as a no." She got up and walked over to the bed and said "Mom trying to set you up again?" He nodded into the pillow and sighed while turning over to lay on his back.

"I wish I could tell her about Hunter, but I know doing that will just put him into danger and it wouldn't stop her from trying to set me up." Emira looked at me and said "Hey, why don't we do something fun today?" Amity then looked at her scroll then looked over at us and said "Luz just invited us to go into the human realm today." "Then it looks like were doing that today." I smiled because I knew that this meant I got to spend a day with Hunter, so I was happy.

3rd Person POV

Everyone had now gathered at the owl house and it was around 10 am in the morning, "Luz, do you plan on seeing you mother?" That was a good question since the last time that her and Amity went into the human realm she pretty much avoided her mother like the plague. "I don't think so. She would kill me if she knew that I've been living in the demon realm all these months when I was supposed to be at camp." Meanwhile Hunter and Ed where figuring out what they wanted to do once they got to the human realm's mall. "We could go get some food, I'm sure ill be hungry by then." That made Hunter laugh.

After everyone was ready, Willow grabbed her bag and brought out 7 viles of a green liquid, she then handed one to everyone except Luz. She then explained that it was a potion that her dad's helped her create to hide there ears and give them all normal eye colors so that they can fit in to the human realm. So they all took it and waited for the effects to kick in. Once they did kick in everyone had normal eye colors and non pointy ears,

{Time skip to when they are already in the human realm and about to make there way into the mall}

Hunter's POV

   We walked into a building with a bunch of different stores in it, and the first one that Luz took us to was called Hot Topic, she said it was store that a lot of the teens in the human realm like to go to. We all walked in and looked around for a bit, I ended up finding a shirt with the letters MCR on it and thought it looked cool, so I decided to buy it with the money that Luz had given me. She got it from her grandma, I know she went to see her grandma but didn't go see her mom. I don't get it.

After I bought the shirt we all walked out and ended up going to another store called Clair's, it was cute but in a to cute kind of way, Edric seemed to like it, he even convinced me to get my ears pierced. I asked the lady if I could get my ears pierced and she had me sit in the chair while she got the stuff ready, Ed ended up standing next to me while holding my hand just in case it hurt. [Ive never gotten my ears pierced but I've watched my older cousin do it so I'm just getting my info from what I've seen lol] The lady asked if I was ready and when I said yes she counted down from three before piercing my ear, and then she did the same with the other one.

It didn't really hurt until after, it was a bit sore but at least I did it, and Ed seemed to like them on me. They were just some simple black stud earrings [Correct me if I'm wrong, can you get black stud earrings when you first get your ears pierced?] We all left the store after I had payed for the earrings. "Hey guys, how about we head to the food court?" There were 'Yay's' and 'Yes's' heard from everyone, so that's where we headed next.

Once we got to the food court we all ordered what we wanted, Ed and I got pizza and shakes to eat. Once we were all finished eating Luz had pulled me aside and said, "Hey, maybe you should go check out some more of the shops and find a birthday gift for Ed, Amity said that his birthday is coming up." I smiled at her and said, "That's a great idea, will you come with me? Oh and Emira and Amity, they should know what Edric likes the best." She then went to get Em and Amity.

After around half an hour, I finally found something that I think Ed will like, its an emerald stone necklace, sure it was a lot of money but he's worth it. {Lets all pretend that Grandma Noceda is rich ok and that's how they got all this money to spend at the mall, alright don't question it its a story.] "He's definitely gonna love it." Luz said as her and Amity were walking side by side holding hands. I smiled and said, "I hope so." We then made our way back to the group, and I hid the necklace in my bag so that Ed wouldn't see it. Then we all made our way back to the portal since it was getting late and we all had to get home.

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