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Aron's POV

I had reached my breaking point, it took every ounce in me not to smash my telephone across the room, ever  since I told Danna to upload the picture my telephone has been ringing none stop heck every single telephone in the building has been going on and off and at this rate it's pretty much annoying.

The bloody media sure knows how to get on one's nerve, the entrance to my building was now swamped by paparazzi if they think they can get to me well they have a surprise coming.

The sound of my cellphone ringing bought me out of my thoughts looking at the caller ID I smiled to myself

"Aron my boy how are you" the voice of Mr Lockwood boomed through my ear

"Very much good and you sir"? I said with a lot of respect cause when it came to my elders I sure did know how to respect them and everyone to be honest I was born with it

"I'm good Aron thanks for asking, I wanted to talk about the deal and if you can I hope you can fly down to Spain in two days so we can talk in person and please do bring your assistant" he said

"No problem Mr Lockwood I'll definitely be there and have a good day lastly thank you" I said

"Will see you soon" he said and disconnected the call

One thing ticked me why did he request for my assistant to be there, ever since I started bidding for this deal it has always been me, Ivan and Aidan Miss Rodriguez has never took part in it although she does the paperwork, but to attend board meetings besides me she hasn't I do agree that some meetings she attends just to take down notes and all, but the one with Lockwood Industries she has never attended not even one.

I guess I'll see when I get there in two days.

My phone was still in my hand so I decided to go through my Instagram account, the only reason I had Instagram was to keep up with the company pages and right now in a spam of 5 hours we went from 10M followers to 16M the post about my marriage has surpassed 20M likes with a thousands of comments.

I had decided to go through the comments and almost everyone wanted to know who Mrs Mondragon was apparently my wife was now the talk of the whole nation too bad they will never know I said to myself.

I received a notification that said a number that's in my contacts is on Instagram I checked who's number it is and to my surprise it belonged to Miss Rodriguez and she was on Instagram as d.rodriguez I clicked on her account and it's was private I definitely wasn't going to follow her she might get the wrong impression and think I'm stalking her and that's the last thing I want I had much bigger problems to deal with. I logged out of my account and went back to work.

"You sure do know how to shake the nation brother" Aidan said taking a seat in front of me

"And you sure do know how to walk in without knocking " I said glaring at him

In return I got the I don't care look well that's Ivan for you he can be so childish when he wants to.

"It had to be done sooner or later, and thanks to that I got a call from Mr Lockwood he wants me to fly down to Spain in two days to talk about the deal" I told him

"Are you serious man" he asked shock was evident in face

"Do I look like I'm joking " I said

"I swear man this is the best news I've gotten so far today" he said to

"Me too bro me too" I said

"Something weird happened though, Mr Lockwood requested for my assistant to be there till now I'm still trying to figure out why" I told him

"Now that's weird, Danna has never attended any meetings linked to Lockwood Industries she only does the paperwork it has always been you, me and Ivan" he said

"That's exactly what I said to myself the moment he requested for her presence"

"I guess we will know in two days then bro" he said

I thought he was gonna leave after that,but when I saw him still sitting down I decided to ask but the look on his face didn't go unnoticed by me he was so close to blushing.

"Anything else you wanna say" I asked

"Uhmm" he started coughing " you know bro I was wondering if you could speak to Danna for me and ask her if uhmm Isabella has a boyfriend" he said scratching the back of his head sounding so nervous I couldn't help but to laugh

"Tell me you joking right and I hope you are joking " I said

"Do I look like I'm joking " he said now with a serious face

This is definitely not the Aidan I know my brother Aidan Mondragon is interested in a girl I guess it's true when they say there's a first for everything.

"Okay look bro I'm going to be honest with you ever since I met her during your so called wedding preparations a fire ignited within me and I felt something like a force pulling me towards her I like her man a lot and I want to get to know her so I'm just asking you for this one favor" he said

"I didn't know you can be so poetic" I said laughing

"One day you will be like this " he said

"I hope that day never comes " I told him

"Never say never " he said with a smirk

"Look man why don't you ask Emily her and Danna have gotten really close and it would be so awkward for me to ask her such including that we don't talk not that I'd want us to but I like the way we are minding our own business" I said to him

"No problem bro,I understand and I pray God answers my prayers that she is single" he said smiling

We both stood up and did our bromance hug

"Love you bro and take care" he said

"Love you too bro" I said

Deep down I hope his conquest to pursue Isabella works, he deserves to be happy and to share his life with someone and I do believe that Isabella is that someone.

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