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Danna's POV

It's been 2 full years since I got the best call of my life, a call that changed everything a call that truly made me believe that hard work does truly pay off. I got a job as a personal assistant to the CEO of one of the largest companies in the country when I got the call I had to pinch myself several times in order to believe it reason is because only the best people with the best outstanding qualifications get hired at Mondragon Inc.

My whole life has always been about working hard, giving it my all at 21 years old I had graduated from Universidad Nacional Autõnoma de Mexico which is one of the biggest prestigious and most ranked colleges in Mexico. The scholarship I got was my biggest supporter not forgetting my mother, that's why I had to study very hard because I knew that me studying hard would mean I get a scholarship and I wouldn't strain my mom financially when we were already having a hard time getting by.

Moving to LA with my mother was one of the best decisions I've ever made and I'm proud of myself for taking that step,since it has never been easy moving to a foreign country and starting afresh.

After graduating I worked as an intern back in Mexico just to gain experience the company wasn't big or famous like Mondragon Inc,but I can surely say it was a decent job and my salary wasn't that bad. Later that year my mother and I relocated to where we are now and we are very much happy.

My mother,my world, my everything, my reason for breathing and one of the strongest woman I know I am who I am today because of my mother everything I do I do for her.

The day passed by so quickly and before I knew it, it was night time reminding myself that I had to sleep early. Well that is actually my routine almost everyday sleeping early and waking up early last thing I want is to sign my own death sentence by getting on the wrong side of my boss. That would result to me losing my job a job I had worked so hard to get.

Speaking of my boss Mr Aron Mondragon the thought of him alone makes me shiver in fear now you can imagine why he is very cold barely smiles and I doubt anything at this point would change him. He is always serious, hates tiredness,betrayal and woman who throw themselves at him he once fired a woman named Ashely Wood because she couldn't keep her hands to herself and started filrting with him and to think she had worked for the company for more than 8 years that alone just proves that he is indeed a man to be feared. No matter how many long years you have worked for him one wrong move and you gone.

The sound of my alarm woke me up even though I was still feeling sleepy as always I didn't have much of choice. Getting out of bed I did my morning routine took a shower, brushed my teeth after that I applied some body cream to my skin.

After I was done I got dressed in my office clothes which consisted of a white blouse, a pink skirt that reached the knee and pink blazer along with my sliver pencil heels.  I looked very much elegant, but at the same decent. I did my hair into a bun and applied foundation to my face I wasn't a huge fan of make up I preferred natural.

Grabbing my bag I put all the necessary things I'll need including my phone after that I made my way towards the kitchen for breakfast.  The smell of freshly made pan cakes greeted my nostrils and my mouth started watering one thing about my mom is that woman knows her way around the kitchen she is the best cook ever a taste of her food and you will feel like you in heaven.

"Buenos dias mi bebé" (Good morning my baby)
the sweet voice of my mother made it's way to my ears I smiled.

"Buenos dias mi dulce mama hermosa" (Good morning my sweet beautiful mom) I said she smiled a sweet beautiful smile that I very much loved.

Eat before your food gets cold the moment she said that I ate my food after I was done I kissed my mom goodbye and left for work.

I only had thirty minutes to reach the office catching a taxi the ride to office was calming in fifteen minutes the taxi stopped in front of a very tall building more like a skyscraper,with the words Mondragon Inc written at the top more like at the middle since the building was very tall.

I paid and thanked the driver,and quickly made my way towards the cafe across the street to get Mr Mondragon's usual morning coffee after that I quickly made my way towards the building while taking out my access card one thing about Mondragon Inc security was very tight no one comes and goes as they please.

Showing the guards my access card they opened the sliding doors for me using a remote and I quickly made my way to the private elevator which will take me to the 60th floor where my office was along with the boss. Rule number one always arrive first then the boss. Thankfully I'm the only person aside from the boss and his family who are allowed access to the private elevator.

The doors to the elevator opened alerting me I had reached the top getting out I made my way to the CEO's office and placed his coffee on the table after that I made sure everything is set and I placed today's schedule on top of his desk. Making my way towards my small office I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding a lot was going on through my mind sitting down I began with my work.

"Miss Rodriguez,my office now"! the voice of my boss coming from the intercom in my office snapped me out of my thoughts.

Sighing I got up and made my way towards his office at this point I was used to his temper and coldness it didn't affect me one bit since I had bigger problems to worry about.

Knocking I heard the cold voice of my boss telling me to come in.

"Good morning sir" you called me?

Yes,sit down Miss Rodriguez he said coldly.

"How may I help you sir"? I asked

"Miss Rodriguez what I say to you now will remain inside these four walls understood "

"Yes sir".

"I need you to marry me and my decision is final I'm not taking no for an answer" he said coldly with a tone that left no room for argument

The moment those words left his mouth my jaw dropped to the floor

"WHAT"!! was the only thing I managed to say.

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