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Danna's POV

Laying awake in the middle of the night I stared at the ceiling a lot was going on the through my mind. Like for instance how am I gonna tell my mom I know it will be easy with Isabella, but my mom that's another story.

How am I going to convince her that Aron and I have been dating for a year keeping our relationship a secret and that in two weeks we are getting married. I needed help and Isabella was the only person who could help me, thankfully Aron had agreed when I asked him if I could tell Isabella.

Grabbing my phone from the night stand I sent Isabella  a text message telling her to call me first thing in the morning when she wakes up.

Isabella Maria Smith my bestfriend she is the one and only friend I made when I moved here, an introvert like me and an out going girl like her with a strong personality she's not afraid to speak her mind and she voices her opinion when something doesn't well with her I still wonder how we ended up as bestfriends since I'm a shy quiet girl.

We met exactly two years ago,when I started my job at Mondragon Inc. She's in the finance department since she's very good when it comes to numbers. Almost everyday when it's lunch time I used to sit alone at the cafeteria I was so shy when it came to starting conversations so I thought it's better of to sit alone and mind my business like I have always done. Then one day this beautiful girl came up to and I asked if she could sit with me I literally said yes. We started sitting together almost everyday during lunch, and before we knew it we bacame inseparable.

Inside the work environment we were colleagues, outside the office we were bestfriends who later on became sisters.

With my final thought of Isabella my eyes became heavy and before I knew it I drifted off to sleep.

The sound of my phone ringing abruptly woke me up,picking it up without bothering to look at the caller ID the voice of my bestfriend greet me.

"Good morning, D I hope I didn't wake you" Isabella said

"Hey,Bella no you didn't on the contrary I was waiting for your call" I told her

"I saw your text message this morning when I woke up is everything okay babe I can come over if you want I'm not busy today" she said making me smile

"Please do babe I really need to talk to you it's important" I said

"I'll be there in an hour and thirty minutes,love you D" she said

"I love you more Bella and thank you" thankfully today it's the weekend meaning no going to office,at least we had weekends off.

Getting out of bed I did my morning routine, after I was done I started making breakfast for me and Bella. On Saturdays mom always leaves early in the morning while I'm still sleeping to go help Mrs Louis at the orphanage. She is one of my mom's closest friends more like bestfriend to be exact.

After I was done making breakfast I heard Bella's voice making it's way to the kitchen.

"D this smells so delicious I can't wait to dig in" she said

"Everything is delicious when it comes to you" I said laughing making her roll her eye's at me

"Anyway let's eat so we can't talk" I said

We started eating our breakfast, after we were done we cleared the table and washed the dishes.

Completing everything we made our way to the living room thankfully we will be able to talk comfortably since my mom is not home.

"What's wrong D talk to me maybe I can help actually scratch that I know I can help" she said

"Promise me that whatever I say to you now will stay between the two of us no one else must know aside from the four who already know about this" I said in a calm tone

"I promise D" she said I know I can always count on her

Well then here goes nothing I started telling her everything from the beginning to the end when I was done she froze I had to shake her to get her attention well honestly this is the type of reaction I expected from her.

"D tell me you joking and that you telling me all this just to pull my leg" she said in one breath

"I'm not joking Bella I wish I was even I still can't believe this is happening, but I don't have a choice and I'll need your help to help me convince my mom" I said sounding desperate

"Holy moly D in two weeks you will be married to Aron Mondragon our boss and to think I thought he was already in a relationship"

"That's what I thought to,but come to think of it we don't know anything about his personal life aside from work that just shows how private he is" I said

"Well you right about that" I said

"So what's the plan how are you gonna break this all down to your mom,you know D your mom can see right through and besides that you are a bad liar" she said

" That's where you come in you are gonna help me convince her" I told her

"Look D I have no problem in helping you I just hope you are doing the right thing and you won't get hurt in the end" she said

"Don't worry about me Bella I'll cross that bridge when I get there plus I have you my shoulder to cry on" I assured her

After telling her everything we came up with the perfect plan in order to convince my mom.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day I mentally said to myself now all that's left is to wait and see how everything will unfold.

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