Chapter 25

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Sunshine slowly fills the room as you finally wake up from your long slumber.

You yawn a bit before you sit up.

...Maybe you sat up a little too fast.


Because you fell off the bed.

You land on your butt with a thump. You mumble a soft 'ow'.

A deep chuckle fills the room. "Are you alright?"

Of course he saw that.

"Be quiet." You say, smiling yourself as you stand up, dusting yourself off in the process.

You look over to him.

He seems to be writing in a book. He must've been awake for a little bit before you have.

"What's that?" You ask, more or less to change the topic at hand.

You point at the book.

"Ah! It's my journal. I use it to keep my progress for my research." He replies calmly. "Now that I'm no longer held captive at that facility, I must return to my work."

Something inside of you twists at those words. "But... you're gonna stay here, right?"

"Why, of course! I don't mind your company at all, if that is what you are wondering."

You smile. Then there was a knock at the door.

You look over, before walking up to it and opening it. It was Kahlan. "Good morning you two! I made breakfast if you two are hungry."

"Thank you! C'mon 04-- Doc!" You quickly correct yourself.

Kahlan smiles and turns away to walk away.

That was close.

You sigh a breath of relief as 049 walks up next to you. He stands beside you at the open door. "Refering to you as 'doc' is gonna take some getting used to." You say in a half whisper.

He merely shrugs, walking past you out the door. You follow.


The two of you arrive at the dining area, where four plates of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns, along with a glass of waters were placed along the table, with chairs to accompany them.

You sit in one of the chairs, 049 copying your movements into a diffrent chair, beside you.

After a couple of seconds, you hear two pairs or footsteps enter the room. You turn your head, eye brow raising. "Hey!"

Kahlan and someone else walk into the kitchen.

A shorter male. Black hair, brown eyes, and a mustache.

"This is Mark. We're friends." Kahlan says.

"Hey." He gives a small wave.

You say hi back. The two of them walk towards the table and sit down in the other two empty chairs. "Mark, this is Y/n, a former D-class, and that's Doctor, or Doc, for short."

He gives a nod to the two of you. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mark." 049 spoke, his deep voice echoing in the room.

Mark blinks in suprise before looking away.

"Anyway, now that introductions are over, let's eat!" Kahlan says, taking her utensils and digging in.

You slowly pick up the fork and look at the food for a minute before taking a bite.

Despite it only being a little warm, it felt like it was the best food you've eaten in years.

You continue to eat until you look over at 049, seeing him only pick at the food, not eating it.

Kahlan and Mark were having their own conversation, laughing about it too.

You caught 049's gaze. You motion towards the food. He shrugs. You roll your eyes and motion for him to give you his plate. He hesitates before he did.

You took the food off the plate and out it onto yours before setting the plate back in front of him.

Just then, their conversation ended, looking back at you two. "Oh! You already ate all of your's Doc?" Kahlan says with genuine suprise. "W-would you like some more?"

"No, no, I'm quite alright, thank you." He responds.


You hurry to try and clear at least some of your plate while they continue talking amongst themselves.

With a heavy sigh afterwards, though, you end up finishing just as they did. Kahlan takes the plates and put them in the sink. "So anyway, Y/n, Doc, I want to do something today, if you two don't mind?"

"I don't... What is it?" You ask.

"I wanted to show you two around town! Mark knows it better than I d. Hee's been here longer than I have."

Mark nods in approvial.

You look over to 049. He looks at you. Both of you wait for the response of the other, but neither of you say anythin  before the silencestartsd to turn awkward. "Uhm... sure!" You say outloud, turning back.

"Great! Come along then."

They both start walking away. You stand u  and walk after them, 049 behind your trail.

They went to the front doo,  and  Kahlan opens it. The two of you caught up to them as they walks out.

The hit of fresh wind surrounds you.

"Come on!" Kahlan says with a smile on her face, waving over to you two even though you weren't even that far away. "You've got stuff to see!"

End of Chapter 25

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now