Chapter 17

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You flinch awake.

You slowly sit up from the table and look around.

Right... That happened...

You slowly stand up.

Your headache was mostly gone, and your body is only sore now.

You need to get moving anyway, who knows how long you've been asleep.

You slowly make your way to the stairs, and then to the next door.

Your hand went to touch the button, but before you could, the door was already opening.

You took in a small gasp as you look at the person that open it from the other side.

A man in a D-class uniform greets you, except he was carrying a child.

Oh, and a thetere mask that was covering his face. Not to mention the black substance around his head and neck.

You take a step back in suprise.

"Oh! Well, what do we have here?" The man speaks.

"Uhm, I--" You barely mutter.

"No need to introduce yourself, I know who you are. You're that girl that was traveling here with 049, no?" The mask spoke, gesturing to you before readjusting the child in his arms.

"Y-yeah. Do you know where he is...?" You ask.

"Funny that you say that, because he was looking for you!" The man says as he walks past you.

"Looking for... me?"

"That's correct. Oh! How rude of me! I didn't introduce myself! You may call me SCP-035, or 035, for short."

Another SCP?? How many are there??

"He seemed really sad with you gone, you know. I've never seen him so... defeated." He mentions as he went down the stairs.

You stare through the window as he went into the kitchen area. After a moment, he comes back out and the child was munching on something.

He looks up at you. "Well? Are you going to go find him?"

"O-oh. Yes. Thank you."

You turn away and walked off.


As you were walking by yourself, after opening another door and walking into the hallway, you notice an already opened door.

You slowly walk into that hallway, to see another open door. A pathway. You decide to follow it. Maybe it'll lead you somewhere.

One, two, three doors.

Seven, eight...

The path stops.

You look at all the doors ahead. Two were other hallways, and the other was an office. You walk up to the office once and peer inside.

It was dark, but in a chair near the corner, you saw someone. You couldn't tell who it was because of how dark the room is. You open the door.

"Stop!!" A sudden voice yelled at you.

You jerk around at the shout.

A guard.

"Hands in the air!!" He yells, pointing the gun at you.

You listen, heart pounding.

He put one hand onto his radio and pull it out. "This is November-12, I found a lost Class-D personnel in Entrance zone, what do you want me to do?" The guard questions into the radio as he keeps his gun on you.

A moment of silence happens as you stare, silently begging not to be killed.

"Just kill em."

At the second those words register in your head, you instantly go into the room and shut the door. "Hey!!"

That's all you could've done.

The guard opens the door and you tackle him, mostly aiming the gun away from you.

You knock it out of his hands as he punchs you. You fell off him, and got up, tackling him again, this time knocking him over.

You try to run over to the gun, but he trips you, causing you to fall to the floor.

You two proceed to wrestle around, trying to overpower the other. But of course, a highly trained guard against a scroney girl didn't go well.

You get knocked down again as he finally got his gun back, and he fires.

Direct hit in your shoulder.

You cry out as you hear a body fall to the ground, and feel yourself being swooped up into someone's arms.

Everything happends in a couple seconds, and you struggle to recognize what was happening.

"W-...what..." You barely mutter.

You blink with your blurry eyes as you tried to look at who's arms you were in.

"Shh... It's alright, dear. I'll tend to that wound when we find a safe room." A familiar voice cause your eyes to widen.

049. He's here.

"0...49..." You say in relief.

A quick door open and close, and you are gently sat onto a couch.

"I'll... erm, need you to... lower your jumpsuit..." He mentions.

You nod obliviously, or, in just pure relief that you're safe again.

He reaches for the zipper, but you beat him to it, unzipping it and letting the jumpsuit fall, but not too far, as you slowly got your arm out of the suit.

049 hesitates, but he slowly places a hand on your skin.


You were immune. The first time he's... ever touches something living without killing it...

Quickly shaking his head, he gets to work patching the wound before you lose anymore blood.


You slowly finish putting your jumpsuit back on, before relaxing more into the couch. "Are you alright now?" 049 ask as he put away his equipment.

You nod, unknowingly smiling.

"Are you certain? You seem a little... loopy from the blood loss..." He examines your face, mostly looking into your eyes.

You stare back at him, not saying anything. But he did notice you pat the empty seat beside you. (With your uninjured arm.)

He looks at you, a little surprised. "Are you... certain?"

You nod dully.

He hesitates before slowly sitting next to you.

Right when he did, you lay against his chest, wrapping your uninjured arm around him as you closed your eyes.

He gasps at the sudden movement against him before he slowly puts an arm around you too.

He sits there for a moment before looking down at you. You were already asleep.

He gently laughs. "I suppose we share the same sentiments..." He says, relaxing into the couch.

And he closes his eyes.

End of Chapter 17

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now