Chapter 15

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The room you rested in was long gone at that point. You and 049 continue along without a word muttered, silently enjoying each other's presence.

Despite him trying to slice you to get a blood sample from you, you've just kinda been... liking him. One might call it a crush, but for some reason, it's there.

Your thoughts travel back to that dream you had. You weren't thinking about your parrents, but you were thinking about what you were thinking when your dad asked you what type of men you were into.

You only visualized 049 when that question appeared. Is that your brain trying to tell you something?

Well, you would've thought about it more, but you suddenly bump into 049 because he stopped walking.

You stutter trying to say sorry. He only looks behind him for a second when you bumped into him, but then looks ahead again.

You look past him.

A familiar pink-lighted room greets the two of you, the top of the gate saying 'entrance zone'.

"What's this?" You ask, looking around.

"Well, it's a step forward for us to escape." He says bluntly. "Do you still have that keycard of yours?"

"Uhh, yeah." You grab it out of your pocket.

You walk up to the scanner, looking at it for a second before putting the keycard close to it.

A beep in confirmation plays in the room before a bell rang for a second, indicating that the gate opens.

You both walk through it as it closes behind you.

Your heart races as you notice what that means.

You're closer to escaping. You're closer to seeing your family again.

"Well let's go then!" You say in a upbeat voice.

He gave you a singular firm nod, as he walks to the next door and opened it.

The next hallway wasn't anything like the last.

It was much brighter, first of all. There wasn't dark spots in the corners. Second, the hallway was fully white, with orange stripes on the side, as well as tiled flooring.

You two's footsteps changes, from stepping on metal, to marble.

The next room was an intersection, 4 ways.

You both look at the diffrent ways, before 049 walked towards one of them, with you following.

He opens the door and look around, you joining.

It was a cafeteria! It's been a while since you last ate.

049 looks at you.

You, somewhat knowing what he was gonna ask, says, "I could eat. Who knows when the next time I'm gonna eat is."

"I suppose that is a valid reason. Though, we shouldn't take too long, dear." He says.

You nodded as you went down the stairs, the plague doctor following you.

It was your generic cafe. Only that there was stairs and a bridge to the next hallway over the tables. And what seemed to be a coffee machine in the far back.

You decide to head into the kitchen area to see if there was any food. 049 heads towards the machine.

You scavange whatever you could find and munch on it as you walk out. You saw 049 near the coffee machine, so you walked over there.

He was examining it, from your point of view. You walk up next to him and say nothing.

He notices your precence and moves to the side a little. "A intresting machine, is it not?" He says, motioning towards it.

"I mean, it looks like a ordinary coffee machine." You say as you cross your arms.

"Ah, but that's were you're wrong."

You tilt your head at that.

"You see, this isn't a normal... 'coffee machine'. This here is an SCP, too."

Your eyes widen. "L-like the big statue thing? And those skinny white monsters?!" You took a step back.

"No, no." He raises his hands to get you to calm down. "It's not alive, and of no harm to you."

"...Okay... but what's so... special about it?" You ask.

"Well, it can make any liquid you can think of! It's quite the machine." He says, showing his interest.

"Really? Any drink?" You look at the machine.

"Certainly. Do you perhaps want me to try?" He ask.

"Uhm... sure."

With a firm nod, he inserts two quarters... from wherever he got them, and then proceds to type something out. 'Wine'.

The machine made a gentle noise as it then pours a liquid into a cup.

He took the cup.

"You see? It's excellent." He comments as he took a sip.


You never even thought about what his face looks like underneath that mask. 

The mask is only covering up most of his face, but you'd have to really look under the mask to see just his mouth.

You then thought about what his face looked like. Heat rose to your face when you realized that you were thinking about whether he was hot.

To get yourself out of your embarrassment, you ask. "Do you know where you found quarters for that?"

He shrugs. "I found those coins lying on the ground. Maybe you could find some." He took another sip.

You quickly look to the ground to instantly spot one.

Some lousey people...

You grab it.


You found another quarter after a small search and returned to the machine once again. You insert the coins, and then type out your favorite drink.

The machine seems to make a grinding sound, but it eventually spews it out.

You grab the cup and examine the liquid before taking a sip.

Holy shit. This never tasted this good until now.

You sigh with content from just taking a small sip, as you went to drink it all. "I... I really needed that." You admit.

The doctor didn't respond but gave a small nod.

You toss the cup to the side. "Shall we continue?" You ask.

"Of cou--" He suddenly cuts himself off with a gasp.

It felt like the floor beneath you vanished, as you were being dragged into a black portal.

The two of you quickly reached your arms out...

And touch hands. Skin to skin contact.

049 gasps once again and reels back, as you are completely submerged into the portal, passing out.

End of Chapter 15

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now