Chapter 1

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You yawn as you slowly wake up from a weird nights sleep.

You readjust your position in your bed with your eyes closed.

Wait, why does this feel wrong? Your bed doesn't feel right.

You open your eyes, only to be instantly blinded by the bright light above you.

You close them again and groan. You quickly look away and open your eyes again.

White. You're in a small room completely covered in white. A small table that is built into the wall was right next to what seemed to be a black door. A toilet was on the other side of the table, while the bed you were laying in was across the room.

"What the fuck?!" You say outloud as you realize that you don't know where you are.

You instantly shot out of the bed, and examining the room. You then went to the black part of the wall.

Complete metal.

You bang on it. "Hey! Is someone out there?!"

No response.

You turn around to see a paper on the table.

You grab it and read it.

'On behalf of the SCP Foundation and our staff we welcome you to an exciting one-month working period in one of the top-secret research facilities. Unfortunatly the exact details of your upcoming work assignments are hightly classified, but please read this document carefully to make your stay as safe and pleasant as possible.

Each of the Class D Personnel has been giving a numerical designation. Your perssonal designation is


Please memorize your designation, as the staff will use it to refer to you from now on.

During your stay, you will be taking part in various testing procedures. Some of them can be extremely dangerous if appropiate precautions are not taken. This is why we need your full cooperation at all times in all circumstances - our highly trained researchers and scientists know how to minimize risks and esure the safety of the personnel involved in testing. If you fail to comply with the instructions you are givin, you will be sent back to your term in death row.

If everything goes as planned (meaning that we have your full cooperation), you will be released at the end of the month and you will be granted an absolute pardon for all your previous offences.


"Class-D? SCP foundation? Extremely dangerous?! Previous offences?!" You question.

What the fuck? Are you in prison? Did you do something wrong? Why can't you remember?

Sudden heavy footsteps brought your attention to the metal door in a small panic.

Voices came from the other side. You couldn't make out what they were saying.

Then the door opened, revealing two people in black and white. Guns were in their hands. Your heart pounded as you instantly took a step back.

"Hey. They got some work for you. Do me a favor, and step out of your cell."


You quickly left your 'cell' and stop two feet away from the guards.

"Just follow me. Oh, and by the way, we're authorized to kill any disobedient test subjects, so don't try anything stupid."

Male. The voice sounds really tired. Like he said that small speach a lot of times.

You throw a few tiny nods his way, before he starts walking. You were quick to catch up to him. And the other guy was behind you.

You start walking down the long hallway. Those metal doors were everywhere.

This place is a prison.

The two heavy footsteps behind you and ahead of you filled the hallway.

You continue walking and saw another guard on standby to your right. They stare at you three as you turn to the left.

"So... You seen any good movies lately?" The guard infront of you spoke.

You inhale, ready to respond, but the guard behind you beat you to it. "Ah. I- I don't really watch movies. I mostly just read books."

"Oh? What kind of books?" He asks with the smallest but of interest.

"Horror, science-fiction, things like that." The other lists.

"Heh, you're kiddin'." He chuckles.


"Your whole job revolves around horror and science-fiction. Except- you know, it's not actually fiction." He rotates his gun in an act of knowing.

You took another left, down some stairs. Then an announcment came on that you didn't pay attention to.

"I've already lost interest in what you're saying." The guard infront of you says as you all walked down the stairs.

A computer room. Several scientists could be seen writing on papers or typing on computers.

You keep on walking forward as the guard opens the door in front of you once you walk through the room.


After a long walk, you apperently made it to your destination. "Well. Here we are. Since you've been on good behavior, I'll let you go on this elevator alone. Go down there, and someone will greet you there.

You blink. "Okay." You barely utter, stepping inside.

The guard pushes the button for you as the elevator doors closes.

A raido sound came from the other side of the elevator. You heard a couple of words before the elevator started to decend. It seemed they were informed... whoever they were talking to, that you were going down the elevator alone.

You took in a shakey breath, failing at the attempt to calm yourself.

Before you knew it, the elevator opened. Revealing a person in a white lab coat. "There you are. Come with me."

Female. Glasses, blonde hair.

You step out of the elevator, and before you could even mutter a word, she took your wrist. She starts dragging you down the hallway with a sharp turn before you find yourself in another room. A group of people in lab coats were in the same room, doing their own thing, but turned their head in your direction when the person who still has your wrist - told everybody you arrived.

"Alright, D-8933. This is how it's going to go down." The person finally let go of your wrist. They turn to face you. "There is a person inside that cell behind me. You're just going to go inside and introduce yourself. Okay?"

You slowly nod, not questioning anything. A couple of the people whisper among themselves, as you were led to a door that was closed.

Two windows were able to let you peer into the room. All you saw was someone in what seemed to be in a black jacket. They were turned away from you.

The door in front of you opens as they shove you into the cell. The door instantly shut behind you as you became frightened.

Who was in this cell with you?

You turn to your left.

Well, the person didn't seem to be wearing a jacket. But they did have a hood over their head. And what seems to be a satchel around their waist.

You looked more to your left to see through the glass. The people out there motioned you to talk.

With a deep breath...

"Hello... I'm... Y/n. Y/n L/n." You said hesitantly.

The head of the figure perks up a bit, and then before you know it,

a white birds mask was facing you.

End of Chapter 1

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now